Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Closing it down...

Ok so if it isn't already obvious, I am busy. I no longer seem to have time to write. Nor do I feel like I NEED to do it. Blame it on Facebook, if you will. I get my public attention needs fullfilled quite well. Or blame it on my life evolving. Or on my own personal definition of self clarifying. Or...whatever.

Thanks go to those that took time to read my posts and to comment. I am going to close shop up and continue on with my merry ways. Those of you that are in the know, have ways to contact me. Perhaps you are lucky enough to ready my verbal diareah on FB....yeah, lucky! :-)

TTFN!~ It's been grand~Sayonara~Adios~

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

One for the Money, Two for the Show....

Let me just say I am so thoroughly enjoying the challenges of my sewing. I seem to be avoiding blankets and quilts an such-perhaps cuz Mom has already proven to be such a master quilt artist? So I move towards other sewn projects. Someday, I will make an awesome quilt. Now, it is not a priority. So you might ask, "What is?"

Well you all already know about my Peek Bags and Felt Foods. Those continue to be made and sold and enjoyed! I have joined up with my pal Kellie to work more with Felt Foods. She has wonderful and fabulous out-of-the-box ideas.

I have been wanting to try a few other things. More like functional things. 1) a Handbag and 2) clothing of some sort. I remember my mom used to make my clothing. In fact, when I was a wee little thing, Mom had a store called Minor Street Blues in Yreka, Ca. She made (REPURPOSING before it was COOL) all sorts of items from old recycled blue jeans and other materials. Pretty cool huh? At some point, I was not so thrilled with my homemade clothing. Must be the social pressure and my own self confidence steam rolled in. I wanted the store bought off the shelf clothes that my friends wore. Brat that I was....

Well, now, I still wouldn't be interested in a wardrobe of homemade clothes (for me or the girls. Jose maybe...just kidding). There are some cute patterns for skirts and dresses that I would like to try. Just to say I did...I have never sewn closures, like buttons or zippers. I have only ever used a straight stitch or a zigzag. Still a basic level seamstress.

This past week the opportunity came about for me to try my hand at skirts. Poodle Skirts to be exact. We have been attending the weekly Music in the Park series here in our town with our friends. The last event was to be an Elvis Impersonator. As a group we decided to dress our girls (5 of the 6 kids) in Poodle Skirts. Then we decided to MAKE them. I remember in Brownies my leaders made them for all 10 of us-couldn't be THAT difficult...

So we measured and googled for patterns. We made our way through Walmart's craft section. All the fixins were bought. We set up camp on Kellie's kitchen table. Mind you, we started to create on Thursday-the same Thursday of Elvis. Nothing like a little last minute energy to get things done...

I worked on 4! No make that 5. I had measurements for my 2 plus a friends' 2 older girls. Once I had finished, I had some leftover from the M girls' pink felt. I began to make a teeny version for the baby sister. In a few short hours (let's say after the initial 1st hour of learning the pattern), like in 4 hours, I made 5 skirts! I ran out of time and black thread when it came time for the poodles and leashes. So I made do with hot glue and leashless dogs. I will be going back to them and completing them in the next few days.

I now have a very clear idea for a basic skirt. I might endeavor to make something for the girls from this pattern. Of course, out of fabric and not felt...I also have some adjustments to he poodle skirts to make. The waistband was to bulky with a 1 inch elastic. I am going to rip out the waist on Bri's and do a 3 inch waistband attached to the front. We'll see if I like it better. Another friend, was there with us and asked me to make one for her daughter. I only charged for the materials, because I am still approximating. BUT perhaps I will fine tune them enough and can add them to my collection of sellable projects.

Your thoughts on this?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Truely Wonderful Artwork!

It is time. I promised KIA a million bajillion years ago that I would share this on my blog-o-sphere. She is a friend from here in town and is starting up a new business. I always like to support my fellow mamas that are striving to make a go at a cool idea. So here goes:

She asked to "snap" (sounds so informal-like something I can do...totally does not sell her talent, but does attempt to define her style and easy going personality) pictures of the girls and of course I said YES!

Here are some of her fantastic shots!

Yeah, I know....

Another very long break from the blog. Kept y'all wondering though, huh?

It's that damned Facebook! Totally usurps my free time. I wish you all could be with me-most of the time I have funny thoughts and commentaries running through my brain. Just doesn't translate to my written communication, without serious effort. And when I remember or gather the time, the moment is lost. As well, makes like a bit mysterious I guess. If you see me, and I am smirking or holding in a giggle, it is quite possible that I saw something or someone that triggered my sarcastic response system. You will have to wonder what the heck it is....

Thursday, June 18, 2009

H + J 4ever

Tomorrow is a big day. We (Jose and I) are celebrating our anniversary. Most of you know the story, high school sweethearts, making it in the long haul. Let's just say we were an old married couple long before our time. 17 years ago we were beginning our relationship. He would like you all to know I stalked him. Truth be told, I did. lol Just don't tell him I confessed. I sawe something I liked and wasn't going to let it get away. Little did I know it would be more than a date for Sr Prom.

He asked me to marry him on our 6th anniversary-at our beach in Half Moon Bay. It was the beach we first started to hang out at in our 1st summer dating.

We were married a year later to the day.

It has been great so far. I was looking around tonight while reading the girls their bedtime story. It is amazing to me what our life has led to so far. Even the clutter and messes...they represent LIFE. They represent us thriving and growing and building on our love.

I am so thankful-daily-for my husband. He is my friend, my support, my partner. He is my love, my life, my one. I look forward to enjoying the time ahead of us as we continue to evolve.

Just a few pictures to represent our journey...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Yesterday we hit the lake. Jose got some fishing time in, and mama got some sunshine, the girls got some fresh air and nature exposure.

Here are some pics from our adventure.

Learning To Let Go

Have you noticed yet that I am a control freak? This is in stark contrast to my procrastinating and not so tidy household...but, in all other parts of my world I have high expectations of order and control. HA!

When I was teaching, I wrote plans. Plans that told me what to teach and when. They had reason, and if those failed, I had contingency plans. Back up plans to follow plans. All of this would ideally lead to order and control and peace on earth.

Being a parent has given me a venue for my controlling needs....Now, I have 2 little people that are supposed to march and sing and dance within my realm of order. (Don't be thinking I am a Tyrant...not so) To be honest, all the little needs and routines fit right into my idiosyncrasies. Maybe a little too much. I like seeing a formula and then adopting it. So when the experts said to feed the baby ever 2 hours, feed I did. When they said that naps should happen every 2 hours, I napped the baby. When they said bedtime should have a bath, and and music and a story, and happen the same nightly, I made that happen. You see? Just tell me what should be and I will make it happen-perhaps in my own fashion, but happen it will.

This is mostly a good thing. But gone are the days of random spontaneity. We used to pick up and go. Me with my backpack of reading and snacks and various happy day things. Jose with a tackle box. Driving aimlessly we would explore and have a day. Stopping wherever for some sort of food and treats, there were no rules. It was fun.

Having kids made this sort of disappear...If a day of meandering was to happen, there needed to be some planning and organizing. Food, clothes, entertainment all multiplied by 4 or 5 to solve all possible urgencies. By the time we packed, it was hours into the morning and mountains of C-R-A-P at the door of the car. At the end of the day someone was unhappy and the next day would be horrible because of the fallout. It wasn't worth it. I would rather stay home and keep things even keeled and normal.

Life is changing though. My girls are older. They make clothes less messy. The entertain differently. They can eat so many different things (and I can let them enjoy an extra cookie instead of worrying about the nutritional intake). I like it. Truly I do not enjoy OVER thinking things. It's a compulsion.

In that past 2 weeks we have gotten out for a few drives. It's fun showing our world to the girls. It's nice re-connecting with Jose while we drive and explore. We can dream and create ideas of what our future could be like. There is more flexibility and everyone can cope a little bit better. I am finding that it s hard to re-wire myself, but when I do, it's very worth it!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happiness is....

You know those bumper stickers? Happiness is being a Grandparent? Yeah, I found myself re-writing them today. Here's what I came up with.

Happiness is:

  1. Listening to my girls play. laugh and interact.
  2. Driving down the street and having Elly label the trees as we pass.
  3. Listening to my Bri talk on the phone with her grandma.
  4. Seeing my babies grow and develop into little people.

There are a million more I am sure, but suffice it to say that simply put-I am happy. Depite the minor complaints, life is pretty damn good.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Today I was THAT Mom with THAT kid....

I should have known that last night's lack of sleep for at least 2 of us would make for a brutal day. Add that to the impending full moon? A recipe for disaster.

It started out ok. After settling into some early morning sleep, the girls and I woke up around 8am. Not so bad (well if you look past the part that Bri in my bed **STILL** was the reason for sleeplessness). We got some breakfast into us, dressed for the dreary summer day. Headed out with a neighbor for a neighborhood walk. Nice. I was able to get a workout in, socialize-and the the girls were relatively mellow. Nice.

The next step in our day's plan was to pack into the vehicle and head out for some errands. Dollar Store here we come! I am looking for some crayons and notepads in the CARS theme for a bday present. (In my defense I am not cheap-they will be paired with HOMEMADE toys in CARS fabric theme...really-I will snap some pics to prove it in a bit.)

Anyway. Into the store we went. There were no carts, so I opted for hand holding and a basket to carry. Well now. Bri fell apart because I declared it a Mama Only Basket. As in a "I need to not have 2 little girls fighting over who can carry it basket". There I was trying to contain a fully tantruming 2 year old, a spirited independant 4 year old, and scanning the shelves to find my crap quickly and get the heck outta there.


My lack of sleep and this mess was enough to A) make be start bawling myself B)grab all the sugary bad for me snacks for a naptime self medication C) Both of the above D) Pack em up and head out.

I contained myself enough to spot an empty cart. Forced still screaming child into the seat, and steered towards the kids aisles. Alas, after all that I was forced to use option D. There were no freaking CARS things.

As I worked us out of the store, The Tantrum of the Century continued. Now, because she didn't want to go....By the time we were firmly and blessedly back into the privacy of our truck, I realised Bri's sippy was still in the store...Uhm yeah, no chance of me returning. I was not going to go back into the store and have all those people looking at me with stares of "can't you control your child?" and "what's wrong with your parenting, my kid NEVER did THAT".

This gives merit to online shopping....and shopping at midnight while hubby and the girls sleep peacefully. Or becoming a grinch and not spending a dime....

This too will pass I know.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Forward Progress!

It's been awhile, and I think I am due for an update on my mission to be healthier and to lose weight.

I am 1 year and 1 month from weaning Bri. I mark my start date as June '08. I am 19 pounds lighter. I am 3 sizes smaller in my waist. I am 1-2 sizes smaller in shirt sizes (depending on the cut and all that). My boobs dropped a cup size and my feet went up a half size! (Go figure...).

I went from forcing myself to walk twice a week to now walking 2-3 times a week PLUS running (which I crave!). I was pushing to run a block while pushing the girls' stroller. NOW I am setting up to do my 1st 5K! I can run a 10 minute mile!

Where do I go for here? Maintainance for sure! I googled my suggested height and weight. I could probably shoot for another 5 pounds. That would give me some room to play. I will be continuing my exercise regimes. I would like to make my mommy pouch go away-crunches here I come!

I am feeling good about my body-1st time in a long while and I am enjoying the fashions again. My closet took a hit, clothes are old, oversized and uninspired. I am finding extra pennies to pump some life into it again.

I will be trying to do a before and after picture post, but not yet....

Thanks for cheerleading!

The View From the Other Side

This week, I can finally empathize with parents of the students I used to teach.

Elly finished her preschool session last week. 6 months of 3 days a week, 3 hours a day....not only was she absent from the house those hours, but the energy spent carried into other portions of our lives. She was getting social, intellectual interaction as well as life in a world all of her own. One where we could ask what happened in her day and she could choose just how much she would share (not much usually...).

Now she is home for summer break. She is demanding. She wants activities, she wants stories, she wants to go outside, she wants to go places. Imagine that! I have to write lesson plans for my 4 year old daughter. Somewhere in that I need to make sure the two year old is appropriately engaged. Somewhere in THAT I need to cook and clean ( sounds good though-right?). Somewhere in that I need to carve out time for exercise and my own crafty projects. It's a lot to ask of me!

I remember those faces, of the parents. Looking into my eyes with apprehension and reassurance. They were hoping I would offer some resource for them that would keep them from having to entertain their children for the next 6 weeks. On the other hand, I was jumping for joy to be saying Sayanara to being center stage for 20 children. Adios, toodles, etc. See ya in August!

Here I am trying to find a balance between play dates, classes, field trips, free play time, and stay home and veg time. It's damn hard.

I do have to say, that the girls are really enjoying each other. They are playing, crafting, whatever. Less fighting more playing. I LOVE IT! I love the relationship they are building. I love the peace, and I love the voices.

As a side note, all the above perceived problems are meaningless in light a friends' news. She has a small son, about the age of Bri, with a stomach tumor. It is cancerous, and proves to be difficult in removing. I am constantly reminded of how delicate life is and how lucky we are to have our girls, bickering and demands included. I am thankful.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


This past week was full of ANIMALS!

We headed out to the zoo, and as always it was full of fun!
(Girls with LEMUR art, and sleepy CAMEL)

Then there was a runaway rabbit. It ate my new rose plant, freshly tender and growing...and clipped our 1 remaining strawberry plant for the front yard. (We have millions in the garden in back, but still...).
Yesterday the girls and I met up with Jose for lunch and saw these silly geese. They must be trained to follow people coming out of Carl's JR....

Of course, my girls are manic monsters, but that's a whole 'nother story. :-)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Got Poo?

In reference to two of my friends' recent blogs, in which Lizzie and Sofia both address the idea of forgoing shampoo in their daily rituals.
There are a couple of reasons for this:

  • Save money! (CHA-CHING!)

  • The shampoo companies are ruining our natural hair qualities and stealing our money because they makeus believe that it's the shampoo that will correct problems that are created by commercial shampoos.

Lizzie is trying to convince me to join the campaign...Accidentally last week I did! I went for a run and when I showered afterwards I put conditioner in my hair thinking it was shampoo. When I realized that, I chose not to go back and shampoo and then re-condition. The next day, my hair did great with the flat iron and with control and frizz issues.

People are apparently doing this in 2 ways. The 1st being more extreme-as it washed with baking soda and rinses with apple cider vinegar. The 2nd seems to be the in between step. It's what I would begin with if I WERE to try this out... It uses only conditioner. The biggest step is to look at the indgredients so that some of the bad chemicals (aka oil stripping and wax build up adding) are not included.

Lizzie-I was going to play a trick and attempt to photoshop the following pic with my face on it to make it seem that is what happened to my hair after following your suggestion. It didn't work. But here it is anyway...without my face...

I am not sure where I am on this-I will at least begin to seek out shampoos and conditioners without the yucky stuff, and then perhaps go Conditioner Only....but first I have to finish my Costco sized Dove so that I am not wasting.

Tell me what you think People.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


We have been hit! It was Ground Zero at our not so happy household. Some sneaky little nasty-ass bug contaminated us. If we were at all interested in a whole body cleansing, this was the time for it!

Last Wednesay, we were happy making plans for Jose having 2 days off and a family trip to celebrate Mother's Day with my mom, aunties, and Grammy. It was turning out to be perfect! Then, it happened. "Mommy my tummy hurts!" Assuming it was yet another tactic to delay bedtime, we repeatedly told her to go to sleep! Oh how wrong we were....By 10pm, it was clear-very clear-that this was no trick.

Since she was having vomitting episodes, Jose pitched a sleeping bag on the floor of her room. I was in charge of the clingy small child. Since she usually calls out for me and ends up in our bed it was a natural choice. I was laying in bed with her and feeling guilty while Jose dealt with Pukey Girl-and feeling a somewhat happy that it wasn't me on mop up...when at about 3am, my turn began. It was not pretty-someone was getting sick about every hour, and since doors were open and lights were on, even if it wasn't in the same room no one was sleeping. This went on tortuously and all too soon it was daylight. I had to deal with the baby I was supposed to be watching-calling her house to make sure Momma got my text and had made other plans.

Throughout the day we laid about and tried to rest in between clean up duty. Sometime by the evening it seemed to subside. Whew!

Friday was relatively calm-more lounging to recoup and a quick rip to Walmart for some supplies. Plans remained in place for our family gathering....

The truck was packed and we were set to go, when Saturday morning...WHAM! Elly was sick again. It was oh so sad, but we had to leave her home with Jose and I drove off for the day with Briana. That in itself was not so enjoyable simply because she was clingy and I was worried about contaminating the rest of the clan-especially my grammy who is still medically delicate. By the time I returned home, Elly was still really yucky and Bri had started the next nasty symptom-I will not elaborate....

I obtained an appt for Sunday (yeah...Mother's Day.....). As we woke up, Jose found himself feeling horribly and I was on my own (yeah....on Mother's Day...). I dealt with the appt, comvinced the dr that the girls didn't require IV hydration (THANK GOD!), hit up the grocery store for various BRAT diet supplies, Pepto for Jose, and some self pitying pastries for myself (yeah...Happy Mother's Day....). The rest of the day was all yucky. Lounging and cleaning and caring for all of the other members in my family. I was so done-clingy kids, nasty clean up, and feeling overworked. In then end, we were better enough for a short drive and then I self medicated with some chocolate cake and wine....

FINALLY, it is Wednesday again, and we have had our 1st day without any sort of bodily fluids being ejected at mach force to clean up. The whiny clingy pissy kids are normalizing. Dehydration concerns are letting up....

I think, dare I say it....I think, we might be on the mend. If you have nothing else for me, please send me some magic healthy germ fighting vibes. I am so so so done with this crap!!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Creation of a Germaphobe

Generally, I am pretty relaxed about germs and my kids. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely HATE when they are sick-for two reasons. First, it makes me so sad to see them battling and suffering the common ailments of cold and flu. Medicine only goes so far to making them comfortable, and it does make me nervous to dose them up. Secondly, having sick children is so much work! Especially when they are BOTH sick. They make messes, are emotionally needy and grumpy, and no one gets any sleep, even though they need it more than ever!

Lately though I feel a change. This stupid Swine Flu! I worry about sending my sweets out inthe big bad world of nasty germs. We always wash up after shopping and being out and about, Now I wonder if that is even enough. I look at people with the Mean Mama Bear Look if I see them coughing. I walk a wide circle around them to avoid sharing whatever contagious illness they may have.

Schools are closing because of reported cases. It makes me second guess sending Elly to school....

We have a doctor's appt for Bri today-just a standard well baby check since she is now 2. I will be extra suspicious of the other patients waiting. It is hard to contain a 2 year old in the waiting room, and I will just have to hope she doesn't pick anything up.

Jose is a delivery guy and imagine ALL of the germs he comes into contact with as he passes the signing board to a person, or a box gets passed to him.

I mean come on people! This is me, a person who passes on the flu shots because well, the flu always happens shot or not....I survived having the chicken pox, why have a shot for it? Runny nose? Just make sure it gets wiped into a tissue-no need to protect us.....

I hope it gets resolved soon. I understand there are always new icky bugs and there will always be that 1 in so many chances and that sometimes there are horrible reactions....But in the meantime, we will be extra cautious and cross our fingers we can not participate in this disease.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Oh My Goodness I Was Bursting With Pride!

Today I took my loves to JCPenney for our yearly photo shoot.

Right, I know, remind me that I am late and that their birthdays have past already...BUT I got there, ok?

Not only did I get there, I was there with 2 outfits for each of them (matching of course!).

Can I just tell you all how wonderfully awesome the shots were? I wanted almost all of them! Thankfully, I am no newbie at this and I was able to be controlled in my purchases!

The girls were hamming it up with wonderful spirit and smiles! There were so beautiful and my heart was bursting with "Oh yeah, they are mine! You can look and appreciate my sweet peas, but nope-all mine!"

I get the pictures in a few weeks, and hopefully before that the email proofs. Then I can share...until that happens though, you will have to wonder-and of course, agree with me even without the proof! :-)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

And Not a Tweet I Tweeted

So I signed onto Twitter the other day, thinking I wanted to check it all out. Apparently you have to be a Twitter-er to roam the Twitter World. So I started a Twitter Id. I cruised it a bit, didn't see the BIG THING, and sighned out. I planned to foh-get all about it. Then, an email came to me....

"_______" is following you on Twitter.

Then another one....

Ironically I have a following (of 2!). I have yet to Tweet a profound thought. I figure I have my brain wrapped up in Facebook and my blog, not sure how to divide it into yet another social networking website.

This could be dangerous if I allow myself to succomb into it. I will have to step up my learning curve. Hey since I already think in terms of Facebook Status Updates (Hanna is.....sitting on her fat ass watching stupid tv while eating bon bons-As an EXAMPLE) I might as well utilize those to entertain my followers.

Do you Tweet on Twitter? Any pointers?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Earth Day Report Card

Last year in May I blogged about our commitment to becoming a more environmentally conscience family. I think it's a good time to see how we have done in almost a year.

This is last year's checklist of what accomplishments:

  1. We compost
  2. We have a very large garden
  3. We water our garden with a very conservative but effective drip system
  4. We use Eco friendly laundry soap (ECO from Costco)
  5. Jose commutes to work in a beater car that gets GREAT gas mileage
  6. We recycle almost everything possible (I "sell" my cans and bottles to the local recycle place, and everything from toilet paper rolls to cereal boxes go out in the bin for garbage day)
  7. We have unplugged all electrical plugs that are not being used
  8. I hang a good portion of my laundry to dry-especially in the summer
  9. We have replaced most of our light bulbs with the cfl bulbs
  10. We have reduced our lawn watering to once a week

This year we can add:

  1. We are using green cleaners throughout the house. I use Bon Ami instead of Comet and other abrasive scrubbers. I use a combination of vinegar and rubbing alcohol for the glass and mirrors. I use the Green Works line and Method as well. We now can add Kirkland's Green Dishwasher Detergent too.
  2. Our garden is organic and we rarely fertilize our lawn.
  3. We recently found an AWESOME source for horse poop-to use in our compost and in our garden.
  4. This year we have purchased so many more organic foods. Since Bri has shown food dye allergies, our choices are so much more limited, thus forcing us to look for better options. This tends to apply to the whole family.
  5. I almost always bring my reusable bags to my shopping trips. On the off day that I forget I try to minimize my bag usage and ask the bagger to "over-pack" the bags and get as few as possible.
  6. As often as possible I do my shopping at Costco and get more at once, so I drive less and my purchases are in larger quantities-making less packaging.
  7. We used less AC less summer and less heat during the winter. Our bill showed we did decrease our gas usage (but not the's a fine line I tell ya!)
  8. I am active in a program with TerraCycle to recycle Capri Sun and other juice pouches. I also have shared this program with dozens of my friends and some have taken up the cause as well.
  9. My 4 year old daughter can now point out items she sees discarded on our walks that should be recycled. She also has become a light and water sentry-making sure excessive usage is not happening.
  10. Our household is becoming known for re-purposing "garbage" into new and innovative items. I have been making homemade toys utilizing odds and ends that would have been in our landfills. Jose has made THE MOST AMAZING barbecue trailer that will be a mean-ass tool for competitions and mass cookings. It comes from an old compressor tank. Almost all of it comes from various scrap metals and even the heat shield from our old oven we had replaced.

I feel pretty successful in our attempt. I hope that next year we can say that more of our purchases will be organic and "green" from the grocery store (the cost is so prohibitive!). I also hope that we can continue to educate our friends and family in the quest. Any of our next major appliance purchases (the dishwasher and clothes washer are both limping along) will be energy savers. I try to not succumb to the technology temptations and keeping up with the Joneses. As much as I would love to upgrade the computer, the camera, the cell phone, the radios etc I will not until these items NEED to be changed out. The e-waste problem is sickening to me, and I really try to not be a big part of it.

So that's my report in...any ideas are welcome! What are you doing that I am not? What can I do to move forward in my quest?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Perfect Birth Control!

There's a catchy title eh?

I have mentioned that I am watching a friend's baby. She is the daughter of a lady that teaches near us and is also friends with another mama from my group. The peanut will be unnamed as an effort to maintain her privacy and the respects of her family...

Today's post is definitely inspired from this new job. I have thus far watched Peanut for 6 days earlier this month and then again starting this week. The 1st part was only partially difficult and I chalked it up to adjustment. This week so far (yup, 2 days in...) has been HARD!

Yesterday, I decided to lump us together into the Bjorn and the double stroller. I must've looked like a real fertile myrtle...either that or a crazy mad lady.... We have had some killer heat these past days and so Peanut, being only 3 months old must be protected from the sun. I had her in some lightweight pants and a short sleeved onesie. She had a hat on, and in the Bjorn she sat. I tried to use a receiving blanket to drape over her arms and legs, tucked into the straps of the front pack. With Elly in the front and Bri in the back, I figured I could trek around the my 2 mile loop. Uhm...yeah...not so much. I would get a few steps, and then the paci would be spit out. I would stop and fix that and head on. Then the hat fell off. Then the receiving blanket repeatedly fell off. Trust me, stopping every couple of feet would a happy experience make. I decided to cut our route off a bit to make it home in time for Peanut's Mama to meet us at the house for a nursing session. At one point a 911 emergency call was heading right by us. Usually I cover my youngest's ears, but being that she is not so tiny and delicate as Peanut, she lost on that protection. Luckily, I think the fire fighters saw me and cut the siren for the moment and just ran the lights.

Well we made it home, Peanut sacking out for a snooze and much to my surprise, Bri did too! She never does this....and when she does she wakes up when we stop. Well, not this time. I kept us outside since it was still shady and fresh, and Elly played with her sidewalk chalk. Peanut woke up and had some floor (grass) blanket time. Nothing like tummy time under a shady tree! Bri Bri slept on. Finally I decided to wake her and begin our usual lunch and nap procedures. Well that went to hell in a a hand basket! Lunch was rejected, so I assumed we should take it into naptime. Peanut's mom headed back to school and i had 3 kidlets to slumber into dreamland. rest for the weary (me). Bri flat out refused to sleep, and when I tried she screeched waking Peanut. Elly only slept an hour of her usual 2.5 hour nap, and by pickup time, I had 3 tired kids and a bald spot-no kidding...but I really wanted to pull my hair out!

Today, was a TON better, but still had it's severe weak spots. We started out horribly. I had to ready the 3 girls, and myself for outing to dance class. I got Peanut fed and asleep for a hopefully long enough morning nap. Got myself looking FLY! (lmao!) Seriously...I was feeling it! Then Bri laughed a bit too loud and woke up the not so sleeping Peanut-who was outraged that she wasn't allowed to continue her catnap. At this point I hobbled through dressing all 3, doing hair on the 2, and grabbing snacks and bottles and diapers all the while to the sweet serenade of Angry Peanut. Elly kept trying to shove the paci in her mouth and Bri kept rocking the carseat...

As I searched unsuccessfully for my sunglasses I found Elly curled up on the couch with her hands covering her ears and Bri was following me with her own wails asking me to hug her (how she says she wants to be picked up). I decided my best course of action was to plunk my girls into carseats and seatbelts grab the baby, forget about the glasses and start the truck. 2 blocks into our 5 minute ride Peanut fell asleep. Dance class was quiet and relatively happy due to an awesome mocha and a cookie for my Bri.

Coming home was equally fine and the rest of the day went better.

Let's just say that I am ABSOLUTELY sure that our family is Spot On Perfect with 2 kids. I have no interest in going backwards. I like that my life is relatively calm and certainly so much more predictable. I will get my snuggles and baby smells while I am watching Peanut and feel content watching my daughters evolve, and my life as a parent take shape.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bri Bri is a Birthday Girl!

Today we celebrated a birthday! Baby Briana is not a baby anymore. She is 2 years old! As I did for Elly, I will do a quick then and now. You can see for yourelves how she has changed.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Today I called for the eye appointment that is WAY overdue. I probably only did it because my last pair of contacts officially died yesterday. I can handle my glasses-except when the sun is out. Since we are having nice weather come our way, it became obvious that I needed to me take initiative. Crossing my fingers I dialed the number. the cheery receptionist answered and I began my quest.

Since they were already booked for the week (Imagine that! People actually think ahead?), she looked for a cancelation. Uhmmmm, yes! 1 opening! Sadly, their one available spot did not jive with our Zoo plans. So, I apologized and thanked her for trying and we made the apppointment for 2 weeks from now. (Probably like MOST people do.)

Then I embarked on the secondary plan. Obtain contacts! I asked politely if the dr would be open to letting me try some samples until my appointment. She checked and AWESOME! I now have in my possession 1 more set of contacts. That will get me to my officialy check up and then I can order them like a good rule following non-procrastinating patient.

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Golden Scale

I have this scale, located in the bathroom. It is a digital scale, originally purchased to follow the snail like growth of my Elly.

Now, I use it keep myself on track. It champions me and it hides nothing. I can instantly tell if that extra piece of pizza was detrimental or not. These past 2 weeks I have been so off the wagon, it's not even funny. I haven't exercised because the mole biopsy was taken from my lower left back (or as I tell people from the Back Fat). I was given no restrictions by my doctor, but it is in such a location the every move, waist up, pulls at the bandage. I haven't wanted to pull out the stitch or interfere with healing.

So I figure, if there is no exercise, why should I eat with a conscience? (Yeah, no logic there...but it reveals typical thinking on my part)

So just to make sure I am not so far off my path, I check in with my friendly scale every few days.

1st time: 1?1.8 lbs (numbers are hidden to maintain some semblance of personal pride). My reaction? Ok! I am not so far off!

2nd time 1?1.8 lbs My reaction? Wow same number as before-looks like my body is doing pretty good!

3rd time 1?1.8 lbs. My reaction? Look at Lil Ole Me! I am able to eat like a slob and my weight stays the same. Oh...the exact same...oh as the past few days..down to the decimal...Uhmmm yeah, something is not right.

So I change the battery. Yup, confirmed, fuzzy numbers.

After the battery was changed out, my weight was attempted again for a REAL check in.

1?2.4 lbs. My reaction? Ah ok, so still not so bad, but I have inched upwards again. Time to reel it all back in.

My biopsy site has been un-bandgaged and un steri-stripped for a few days. Looks like my hesitation was right as I did pull it back open reaching for something. It is currently re-bandaged and under a neosporin protective shield. Hopefully as the weather gets nicer again next week and we have no school and dance I can work some calories off and get back on the track to a svelte and total babe bod! (lol, well ok maybe not quite that, but at least 7 lbs down before summer clothes come out).

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I have been meaning to write this for a while now. We all know how diligent a blogger I am....

In my short career as a Preschool Mom, I have observed some things. It all revolves around the way people drive...

1st of all, it is amazing how quickly people drive past the school and in and out of the parking lot. Apparently that the motivation behind this is only about themselves and their kid. Can you imagine how it would be if that same parent (flooring it into the lot and scraping chassis as they do the speed bumps) slammed into someone-just to get THE parking spot and avoid the tardy slip? I somehow missed this part of the school scene when I was teaching. I certainly passed my share of tardy slips out....but never saw the parking lot scene. It is jaw dropping to me, even several months in. I am there twice a day for dropoff and pick up and the scene is the same.

2nd, there is a certain grandparent that drives me completely bonkers. I just smile and nod....not worth saying anything and making waves. He is one of those guys that ekes total machismo swagger. How obnoxious...I am thankful I am not married to him for that many years of his marriage. He drives in BACKWARDS into the lot, waiting even on the side for the cars with right of way to pass and give him room. Parks in the handicap spaces-which is awful considering our preschool is integrated with special ed kids whose parents probably DO have placards. He leaves the MAN car (yes it's some version of a quasi cop american made sedate sedan) running in the middle of the lot, blocking in others. When someone says anything he puffs up his sagging ex weightlifter's chest over his paunchy belly and replies, "Well tell them to come talk to me, heh heh heh". He lingers after drop off to chat with my friend and I, as if he is one of the girls, but the convo is condescending and centralized on him. We now have taken to walking to one of our cars (not parked in the lot and usually not close to the front) to get away from him. Creepy it is that he HAS to watch the kids enter completely in the building. He cannot accept that the teachers can and will get the class (particularily his grandbaby) without failure.

I figure we have a few more weeks of this year's preschool experience and then come August we will start up again. Take a break and then come back ready to smile and nod and scream inside my head. These types make me crazy-I am typically a rule follower except when I feel I do follow the rules that are basic and logical, the ones that allow for order of the people and whatnot. The complete disregard for others is what rubs badly to me. I really try to make my circle wide enough to not cause problems for others, to not make waves in their lives. I teach this to my girls, and I had to teach enough ill prepared children in my career that th world DOES NOT revolve solely around them. The fact that he is so blatant about it and then talks himself up like the king of all is vomit inducing....

Just smile and nod...make small talk and run along....thus is the introduction to my life with school aged children.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Story of A Scary Mole

Once upon a time, there was a Fair Maiden. She was not sun shy and approximately once a year, obtained a sunburn. Much to her dismay, she saw a mark. It was a black mark, similar to a tattoo located on her lower back. Over the course of the next year, she observed it...noting its size, color and changes. At some point she deemed it necessary to seek the advice of a medical professional....

She went in for her appointment, and went away missing a part of her body. The scary mole was taken off of her and kept for further studying.

A week went her back healed her brain kept thinking up the possibilities.

Finally, with her courage bolstered, she put in a call for the results. Much to her delight, the results proved to be heart lifting!

Yes, folks I am the fair maiden and my scary mole is for naught. I can be thankful that the biopsy came back with a benign result. Apparently, they think it is a birth mark that has begun changing hormonally. It had its own blood source and was growing cells and pushing outward. The nurse today told me that I was free and clear-no Melanoma. YAY!

Lesson learned? I can be doing more to prevent situations like this. There are so many unpreventable illnesses and diseases, and for melanoma (skin cancer), all I need to do is wear my sunscreen and prevent sunburns. Hopefully, I can get through this upcoming summer season without a sunburn. AND I can commit to keeping my daughters protected.

Ain't no idle hands here...

At least I can say I have been busy. No mental ruts, no hormonal emotional outbursts, just plain ole busy.

After Elly's Tinkerbell party, we were again gearing up. We have had the arrival of my newest responsibility, Baby Girl R. I will be watching her for a few days a month while Mommy teaches nearby and Daddy works out of state. That in itself has been an adjustment for all of us. Next, we were setting up for the girls' double birthday party. Jose and I thought it would be kind to our friends and family to only put on one party for the both, since their birthdays are about 3 weeks apart. That was Saturday. Now, a 1/2 week later, I have a minute to post on the blog!

Next we have some Easter celebrations and 1 more birthday party! Whew!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday to my 1st Baby Girl!

Today is a wonderful day! Elly turns 4! It is with wonder, amazement and pride that I look back at our adventure thus far! From the long awaited pregnancy to the swollen legs and 26 hours of labor, to chubby cheeks and curly first locks of hair, to an inquisitive and sensitive toddler, to our preschooler, it has not failed to be fabulous (even the hard and difficult times are well worth it!) We are blessed to have our Elly Girl and it is mind boggling to imagine forward to all the experiences that will be as we continue to help shape and mold her into an adult. I risk turning this post into a sappy hallmark card of mother's wishes and in lieu of that I will share a few pictures...


Monday, March 23, 2009

Think Tink!

We are preparing for a small friends party for Elly's 4th birthday. She has chosen the Tinkerbell theme. As an activity, we will be doing a spin on the classic Pin the Tail on the Donkey. I asked Jose if he would be willing to draw out a poster sized Tinkerbell without wings. The kids will be placing wings on her in the game. Here is his masterpiece!

Of course, it took him all afternoon to complete. The girls enjoyed watching her come to life on his sketch pad, and last night before going to bed, Bri said good night to Tink. Awesome!


It's too bad no one can read my mind, because I have written a ton of blog my mind. They never made it to actuality this week. Let me tell you, I had great intentions....BUT the week was so awesome, guess that's why the time was never made.

It was one of those weeks.....

It was "spot on"!

I felt like it was all working so well, and now that I write about it...I bet the mojo goes away.

Last week was a week when I was feeling it all come together. Perhaps the timing is right and I will be seeing more like this? I have had time to exercise a lot, and seeing and feeling results is amazing! Keeps a girl inspired... I was able to get to more things around the house-makes the world feel less chaotic when it is tidy. The girls and I were jiving without full moon hijacking. They listened more to me, they played well alone and together and as a group we we in good form. It wasn't stressful, emotional or hard. It was smooth and awesome.

Imagine that, feels like life after babyhood is finally congealing a bit. My girls are getting older (almost 4 and almost 2), so we could see some sort of normalcy....sleep is happening, mommy is getting a little bit of mommy back, the girls are developing into little people.

It's a nice feeling. One that this control freak appreciates to the utmost.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Accepting and Acknowledging....

In the past week I have been mulling over a concept.


Definition from American Heritage online
verb-To bring into or maintain in a state of equilibrium.

For a control freak such as myself, this is a topic of persistence. I find it permeates in my parenting, my personal world, and general rationalization that often floats in my brain.

Currently it can applied to finding the perfect balance for a person (specifically my Grammy) after having a life altering accident. For me, for this all balances on the idea of integrity. This is a lady that has had 80 years of strong independent living. She was influenced by the financially critical years of The Great Depression. She graduated at 16 from high school. Having grown up in Maine, she worked her way out to the west coast, stopping at various intervals for work and school.

Without sounding like a eulogy (because while that is something that could be needed at some point in the near future, we are NOT there yet....), my point is to indicate what shaped her as she grew into the person I know.

After falling in November, she has still not left the hospital. Well, she has, but has been in the rehab facility. Either way, it's not home. We as a family have been rushing to arrange matters because Grammy is being released from her facility due to little progress in her physical therapy. Truth be told, I don't believe that anyone believes she will ever be independently mobile. It would be nice...

So now, we are having to recognize that an era is ending and a new reality will have to be created. My mom and aunts have been scrambling to make it happen. I have helped whenever possible. The new reality, will be that Grammy is being moved to my Aunt and Uncle's house. She will require 24 hour care, while being mostly in bed....the balance that I keep struggling with has to do with the extreme change of lifestyle for my Grammy. There is no grace involved. Kinda like a clumsy attempt at dancing (like I do....).

Before the fall, she was out and about on her own-in complete charge of her own care, of her own home and life business, make thoughtful choices about the direction she wanted to go-short term and long term. Now, there is no weekly bridge game, no knitting (she can't remember the patterns she has ALWAYS knitted), no painting, no walking the 2 blocks to Traders for her 2 Buck Chuck and other grocery miracles. Now, she relies on someone for everything-personal care, a glass of water, remembering things.

Her house will be empty for a while, and probably boxed up and sold. Her castle. She left in an ambulance thinking she would be home after her leg healed. She hasn't been back in 3 months. It is doubtful she will again. I walk in there and look around-absorbing it all. Thinking of her motives in decor, of the photos she has all over, and why those are the ones she opted to have out. I look at her food in the cabinets, thinking of her plans to make a meal. Material items being what they are....I think they still have merit. They represent as person, a life, memories.

How do you re-write the reality, and make it balanced to allow for the new needs, but to preserve the integrity of the person. Perhaps I am over thinking this-as Lizzie often points out. But to me it is imperative to keep Grammy's life enriched, to enable her to maintain as much as possible, while allowing that she is not in any shape or form in the same place as 3 months ago. My aunt and uncle and cousins will be re-writing their own realities. How do they balance what they have in place with this new wrinkle?

I imagine, more than anything for Grammy-it is huge just to be released from the institutional world. She is so excited to be leaving. Who knows how long this plan will function, will be in action. Who knows how much my Grammy will maintain for herself, and for how much longer.

I do know I am sad-sad that the stupid simplicity of a broken leg has left her with the complete loss of so much. I know that we have no control over life and death-the manner in which those occur. I am having trouble acknowledging the truth. I often wonder if (and slam me if you wish) coming back to our world after being so critical in ICU, was worth it for her. Integrity-it doesn't come from a Rehab facility....that is deterioration. That is just crossing off the minutes inside of a small 4 walled space, the smells, the noises, the pure and total reliance on a staff that may or may not actually care. It's just wrong. There is no balance in that place.

Ok, I could probably take this long post to another few hundred words, and so I will stop here.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Purely Pictures Post

The weather is beginning to be enjoyable (ie sunny and mild). Yesterday we took a walk and ended up at the park. It was the 1st time probably all winter that we have all played together-Bri sometimes plays while we wait to pick up Elly at school.

The girls had a blast playing TOGETHER. I am starting to see more of the relationship building. As always, Bri followed her sister and tried it all! (There were times when I was trying to help up impossible advanced climbing structures and then running over to the other side to make sure she didn't go head over...all because Big Sissy was doing it.) Here are a few pictures I managed while I didn't have to work so hard to help Bri keep up with her sister.

Meanwhile, while we were playing, Jose and Chesie were playing too! They went to help out at a hunting competition, and then after had some free hunting time!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Check in time

So I have been MIA.....This is due to the influx of people in my house as well as continued germs. Both girls were diagnosed with ear infections last week and it took a few days for them to be less whiny and clingy. Then I was on super duper cleaning duty. Jose's parents came for a visit last Friday. We had a weekend of family fun, and then I was helping them to complete some projects yesterday.

Today, the In Laws are off on their own, visiting friends and family. We were supposed to have dance class, but it was canceled because Miss Barb has caught kid germs.
So far, I am enjoying the quiet calm of having no plans. It may just kill me though as my almost 2 year old and almost 4 year old are reaching new lows in their developmental behavior. I can almost feel myself channeling my mother as I holler "NO FIGHTING", "GO TO YOUR ROOM" and "LEAVE YOUR SISTER ALONE!". With the rain and icky sickies that we have been dealing with we are all stir crazy!
To sweeten the mood, I will post recent pictures of my girls.
Remember, looks can be deceiving...

I have a few more days as family hostess. I hope to pop back on again soon.