Wednesday, May 13, 2009


We have been hit! It was Ground Zero at our not so happy household. Some sneaky little nasty-ass bug contaminated us. If we were at all interested in a whole body cleansing, this was the time for it!

Last Wednesay, we were happy making plans for Jose having 2 days off and a family trip to celebrate Mother's Day with my mom, aunties, and Grammy. It was turning out to be perfect! Then, it happened. "Mommy my tummy hurts!" Assuming it was yet another tactic to delay bedtime, we repeatedly told her to go to sleep! Oh how wrong we were....By 10pm, it was clear-very clear-that this was no trick.

Since she was having vomitting episodes, Jose pitched a sleeping bag on the floor of her room. I was in charge of the clingy small child. Since she usually calls out for me and ends up in our bed it was a natural choice. I was laying in bed with her and feeling guilty while Jose dealt with Pukey Girl-and feeling a somewhat happy that it wasn't me on mop up...when at about 3am, my turn began. It was not pretty-someone was getting sick about every hour, and since doors were open and lights were on, even if it wasn't in the same room no one was sleeping. This went on tortuously and all too soon it was daylight. I had to deal with the baby I was supposed to be watching-calling her house to make sure Momma got my text and had made other plans.

Throughout the day we laid about and tried to rest in between clean up duty. Sometime by the evening it seemed to subside. Whew!

Friday was relatively calm-more lounging to recoup and a quick rip to Walmart for some supplies. Plans remained in place for our family gathering....

The truck was packed and we were set to go, when Saturday morning...WHAM! Elly was sick again. It was oh so sad, but we had to leave her home with Jose and I drove off for the day with Briana. That in itself was not so enjoyable simply because she was clingy and I was worried about contaminating the rest of the clan-especially my grammy who is still medically delicate. By the time I returned home, Elly was still really yucky and Bri had started the next nasty symptom-I will not elaborate....

I obtained an appt for Sunday (yeah...Mother's Day.....). As we woke up, Jose found himself feeling horribly and I was on my own (yeah....on Mother's Day...). I dealt with the appt, comvinced the dr that the girls didn't require IV hydration (THANK GOD!), hit up the grocery store for various BRAT diet supplies, Pepto for Jose, and some self pitying pastries for myself (yeah...Happy Mother's Day....). The rest of the day was all yucky. Lounging and cleaning and caring for all of the other members in my family. I was so done-clingy kids, nasty clean up, and feeling overworked. In then end, we were better enough for a short drive and then I self medicated with some chocolate cake and wine....

FINALLY, it is Wednesday again, and we have had our 1st day without any sort of bodily fluids being ejected at mach force to clean up. The whiny clingy pissy kids are normalizing. Dehydration concerns are letting up....

I think, dare I say it....I think, we might be on the mend. If you have nothing else for me, please send me some magic healthy germ fighting vibes. I am so so so done with this crap!!!!

1 comment:

drea :: dre of white stables said...

Oh gosh. I didn't know it was so bad. I'm glad you're all on the mend. Dare I say it's ironic that your last post was about being germaphobic?! ;)