Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I was reading Lia's blog the other day and she had a sweet argument for against Proposition 8. All I could do was nod and applaud her. We all know I can run off at the mouth-but when it comes to succinct tidy debates, not really my thing. I get too emotional, and the facts get mumbled. I am against prop 8. I do not believe that anyone should decided who gets to be in a marriage except the couple directly involved. It's not my buisiness if Joe and John or Mary and Anna want to make it official and legal that they are in love and are intending to join homes, hearts and all that go into a marriage. I am a bit desensitized though on homosexuality. There are many from both sides of my family that are gay. So to me, not a big deal. I have no dissillusions about it. As a child I was introduced to the concept of AIDs early...like at 10 years old. My uncle had contracted it in the 80's. As an early case, he received horrible treatment (medically and personally). There were many fears that have since been erased. His funeral home refused to dress his body because of the fear of contagiousness. DUH-dead body=no transferring of the disease...(our family won that lawsuit...).

Anyway, I have been thinking a lot of the stupidity of the prop. On my block we have a fundemntal family, and they proudly have tacked up their YES ON 8 sign. I really want to shake them....and change their minds. I was at the lake Sunday picking up the wee one. There was a crusty old fisherman tinkering with the motor on a boat for 2 ladies. From their appearance and body posture I could guess they were gay. Towards the end of his mechanical check up he says..."Ok girls, its good to go. So how do you feel about Prop 8? How will you vote?" Oh man.....They were classy and didn't even address it....

Then last night the doorbell rang while we were eating. I went to see who it was, and lo and behold...a momma I know from around town. Happens to be from the LDS mommy group. I am not a fan of her and her blase parenting skills (her kid was spitting in the faces of others and she turned a blind eye, then he karate kicked at my face-same result). My fun was being able to tell her I was voting against the prop. She went on her merry mission of persuasion to make marriage sacred. UGH.

Here is something I copied from a message board. I LOVE IT!

10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage is Wrong...

1) Being gay is not natural.

And real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning, tattoos, piercings and silicone breasts.

2) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay.

In the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.

3) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior.

People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract. Lamps are next.

4) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all
Hence why women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal

5) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed;
And we can't let the sanctity of Britney Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage be destroyed.

6) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children.

So therefore, gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our population isn't out of control, our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.

7) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children,
Since, of course, straight parents only raise straight child?ren

8) Gay marriage is not supported by religion.

In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.

(Did I miss the lesson where Jesus says He hates homosexual people?)

9) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home.

Which is exactly why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.

10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms.

Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.

***Thanks for reading my novel....if nothing else I was able to spout off a bit.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Steppin Back Up to the Horse!

I went jogging yesterday. It was my first intentional (as opposed to my everyday little bits) exercise. Since Daddy took his little sweeties out on the boat, and left me our furry boy Chester I took advantage of some kid free time. Chessie and I went a joggin'. Consequently, I am very sore today. I realized that it is a different set of movement than jogging behind the stroller. I am sore in places that didn't get tender when I run with the girls. There also are advantages. I had a better distance endurance. I was able to keep a faster pace and run for longer distance than other times. Good! That doesn't mean I am heading out again for a few days tho....lol. I need to recoup! Here are a couple of random thoughts that floated in and out of my head while I ran....

-I like the stroller because I don't need to hold things in my hands. I had my cell phone, the remote to the electronic training collar for Ches in one hand and the leash in the other.

-I saw TONS of recycling (which I normally pick up...environmental and civic duty and a few extra pennies my way)...but no container nor a free hand.

Anyway, Jose liked taking his babies with him on the lake, so I may have more opportunities to work my poor tired body into shape!


Friday, October 24, 2008

It's the little things...

As my babies get older, I get glimpses of them turning into little people. The baby-ness fades (and that makes me a bit sad...once it's gone, there is no getting it back-unless you are Mrs. Duggar).

In trade for this, I get nice treats. For me, seeing the future is not a talent I can claim. I have to rely on getting my picture as each puzzle pice comes into play. What I mean is, we all want to know that our children will grow up to have rich and rewarding lives. In that, I want to know that they will have a sense of humor, compassion, enjoy things, be able to manuever in the world with flexibility and success.

How does this have anything to do with my babies? I am watching them grow by the minute. When I am not overpowered by the complete take over of being a mom, I can step back and enjoy my little people.

Today alone, I was able to "see" these things:
  • Elly laughing at a tv show
  • Bri Bri waving and smiling at the Homecoming Parade
  • Both girls enjoying sitting on a pony
  • Interacting with our friends
  • Bri enjoying a candy bar (a rare treat for her) and begging for more....
  • Elly eating a soft serve ice cream cone.

I compare this to a time when I was teaching. We are so ready to blow the whistle and yell and make little people conform. One day in the fall, I was on yard duty for recess. A fellow teacher and I were chatting near the playground and watched a set of students begin to jump in a freshly raked pile of leaves. We both brought the whistle up to our lips. Before I blew I had to laugh. It was so refreshing watching them enjoy the moment. It was pure. It was simple. It was harmless fun. The grounds crew probably disagreed. We did allow it for a few minutes and then gently corrected them. Instinct was put aside, and with that we were able to see kids exploring and entertaining themselves (no electronics, or commercial involvement, all healthy fun).

I try to remember this lesson as I parent. It helps me take a pause and assess the whole situation. It also allows me to enjoy my role, and take pleasure in the small treasures in my life.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Oh CRAP! (in other words...&*^%%##!!!!!!)

Last night Jose crunched the car.....He was driving home and thought he had more stopping room (as taught to him in UPS training). Sadly, he ended up under the rear bumper of the truck in front of him. Thankfully, he is totally fine-physically. He is mentally bashing himself though. The truck in front had minimal damage and the driver was fine just exchanging info. Our car....not so good.

Friday, October 17, 2008

4th Annual Pumpkin Patch Trip

Since Elly was 6 months and our other friends were just as tiny, we have been going to the same quaint country pumpkin patch. Yesterday was our field trip day. We go, bring costumes, dress them up for a group pic, and then explore the fun places. Afterwards, we hit up Chili's for lunch. (YUMMY!). Here are a few shots of our fun:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Today the 3.5 year old said....

Here is a sampling of the funny things she has said just today...

1) I am a weirdo kid!

2) Hey there's Ellen (saw a commercial on tv with Ellen and our local news personality). Then she proceeded to show me how Ellen dances in the beginning of her show...Me thinks she notices so much more than I think!

3) Hey they are naked! Regarding the men dancing on Dancing With the Stars after they shucked their jackets off.

4) My tummy hurts. I think we need to call my dentist so I can have my new baby.

UHM yeah....I just listen, remember and record. I don't even bother with corrections. That will come with time. In the interim, I am not ashamed to say I take full advantage of it for my personal entertainment.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I took the plunge!

(Before, Front new, back new)

So what do you think? I finally did what I was threatening to do for-ever! Honesty is appreciated...

For what it's worth, I printed out my trusty picture of what I thought I wanted and shared it with the expert. She agreed it was cute, and I could make it work-even with my mostly wavy/curly hairs. Today's look is courtesy of my stylists patience of blow-drying, rolling out, and ironing. I can honestly say it won't be straight every day. It will be curly some days too. Kinda like a twofer. I get 2 styles in one cut! NICE...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

yUMMy New Snack!

Ok, so maybe not so diet friendly...but damn good!


1 medium crisp apple (I prefer Gala)

4 FUN SNACK sized Snickers


Cut apple to snack sized pieces. I like to chop around the core and end up with 4 biggish pieces.

Open 1 candy bar...Bite the apple and then bite the candy. DAMN good! Proceed to eat the rest in alternating fashion. I often will rotate bites. 3 bites apple, bite Snickers etc.


You're welcome.....and I apologize.....

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Politicians and Trains...

I feel like this is the 1st year I am actively interested in politics. I have had bits and pieces in the past 14 years (if you do the math you will catch how old I am...) that were intriguing and pulled me in. I know it's my civic duty to know the issues and people and to vote. However, I admit to being bored or not fully understanding the hot topics. The television commercials are fine and dandy, but they are biased. The gobblety-gook printed is equally confusing do to the wording used. I do remember that I was very against Prop 227, and I was activated to vote in the famous Recall of Governor Grey Davis. Otherwise, I vote because I can. I also vote because I would like to see results of my voice in elections. When I don't truely understand or have an opinion, I don't respond to that item. Sad...I know.

This year, I am so so into it. Our local politics have my eye/ear, as do the state level and national level. I am voting with a mail in ballot. I will be able to vote without the pressure of my peanuts pulling at my legs from their stroller. I can concentrate on what my vote will be and why.

The presidential elections are exciting to me. There are definitely hot item topics that shout out to me (and I love the debates! get the popcorn and diet coke out!). Of course, the reactions of people are always interesting.
Here is an email I received from my auntie. I think it's funny!

Monday, October 6, 2008

I Fixed It!

So today I was tooling around on my dashboard...actually was thinking about a new layout for a new site I mentioned. I was planning on making the switch to a new blog to allow for the missing comments button. Harumph...I saw something that hadn't been then before when I started to have problems with the layout and comments. "REVERT TO DEFAULT". So I did....and I do....have a comments button that is.

Needless to say...I will delete the post I had ready about moving to a new site...and I will be sticking it out with the Fishy Tales Blog.

I am looking for Welcome Back comments. I know I have a small following of readers. I also know that some people have confessed to be too lazy to leave comments the old way. I also know I have some secret stalkers....

Talk to me people! Can we rack up a higher total than ever before? My highest comment day was 5. Yup. 5. Chatter....

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

One more for the road...

Just because I was asked about this:

Yes Leigh, I do see you....and in the words of Miss Nancy on Romper Room...

"I see Modesto, I see Heather, I see Lia, I see Andi, I see Rhode Island, I see Sophia, I see Pam, I see Lizzie, and many more!"

Thanks loyal readers for stopping by even in my lapse of writing! Keep up the good work!


Ok, I can almost, finally see out of my clouds. I have been buried! After our Salsa Competition Sept 20, we have not stopped. Well...we never stop to be truthful. But this time it was all about finishing our entry (which, by the way we won! Grand Prize aka People's Choice, and best Mild flavor) and moving into the next big thing.

We kinda steamrolled into projections and research about starting a business around the salsa and marinades of my creatively amazing husband. I have been reading my Small Business for Dummies book, scouring Craigslist for kitchen rentals, delving deep into Grant lists for possible funding.

However, I also have been sewing, baking and shopping in preparation for a quilt show at my mom's. We are going to have 2 booths. One is a craft and baked goods booth for my mom and me. The other is our Teriyaki Chicken booth. My job for that is "back office". Making and printing signage, buying the goods...etc.

My other huge project is the Pajama Program Fundraiser that I am involved in. I am on the planning panel consisting of reps from 6 moms' groups here in our town. We have been working on our 2nd annual event. Last year we collected almost 200 pairs of pjs and close to 300 books, along with some monetary donations. Our goal is to match or beat those totals. Tomorrow is the event at a local inflatable playground.

After our 3 hours there, I grab my babies head to costco to pick up our goods for the show. Back home again for last minute baking and packing. Friday we are driving up early and Saturday is a long day-but hopefully fruitful. I would love to earn some decent money...we could use it big time.

Anyway, long story short. I have lots of things to write about and no time. I will be bloggable by Monday again. Be ready...it will be prolific I am sure.