Monday, May 18, 2009

Got Poo?

In reference to two of my friends' recent blogs, in which Lizzie and Sofia both address the idea of forgoing shampoo in their daily rituals.
There are a couple of reasons for this:

  • Save money! (CHA-CHING!)

  • The shampoo companies are ruining our natural hair qualities and stealing our money because they makeus believe that it's the shampoo that will correct problems that are created by commercial shampoos.

Lizzie is trying to convince me to join the campaign...Accidentally last week I did! I went for a run and when I showered afterwards I put conditioner in my hair thinking it was shampoo. When I realized that, I chose not to go back and shampoo and then re-condition. The next day, my hair did great with the flat iron and with control and frizz issues.

People are apparently doing this in 2 ways. The 1st being more extreme-as it washed with baking soda and rinses with apple cider vinegar. The 2nd seems to be the in between step. It's what I would begin with if I WERE to try this out... It uses only conditioner. The biggest step is to look at the indgredients so that some of the bad chemicals (aka oil stripping and wax build up adding) are not included.

Lizzie-I was going to play a trick and attempt to photoshop the following pic with my face on it to make it seem that is what happened to my hair after following your suggestion. It didn't work. But here it is anyway...without my face...

I am not sure where I am on this-I will at least begin to seek out shampoos and conditioners without the yucky stuff, and then perhaps go Conditioner Only....but first I have to finish my Costco sized Dove so that I am not wasting.

Tell me what you think People.


Andrea said...

I tried it for about a week.... I don't know if its my water type or NOT, but I was not having any success. I even got conditioner without any yucks for the occasion. No go. I *might* try again after school is out and don't have to go anywhere so if it takes a while fro my hair to adjust then at least I don't have to face 18 self-conscious-I'm-Embarrassed-For-You-Mrs. Logan-Bad-Hair-Days.

Alyce said...

I tried it as well and had to confess to Lizzie that my friend told me my hair looked pretty crappy, oily, and frizzy. I went back to shampoo the next day and my hair, I believe, went "AHHHHH". My hairdresser said my hair type is just not conducive to this - very baby fine. But I tried..and if it could work, I'd do it again