Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Truely Wonderful Artwork!

It is time. I promised KIA a million bajillion years ago that I would share this on my blog-o-sphere. She is a friend from here in town and is starting up a new business. I always like to support my fellow mamas that are striving to make a go at a cool idea. So here goes:

She asked to "snap" (sounds so informal-like something I can do...totally does not sell her talent, but does attempt to define her style and easy going personality) pictures of the girls and of course I said YES!

Here are some of her fantastic shots!


drea :: dre of white stables said...

Welcome back! I've missed you. Lovely pictures! I just love Elly's hair, too!

Kia Gregory said...

Those girls are too cute. And I love how Elly now is ready with a smile for me when she sees me.