Thursday, June 18, 2009

H + J 4ever

Tomorrow is a big day. We (Jose and I) are celebrating our anniversary. Most of you know the story, high school sweethearts, making it in the long haul. Let's just say we were an old married couple long before our time. 17 years ago we were beginning our relationship. He would like you all to know I stalked him. Truth be told, I did. lol Just don't tell him I confessed. I sawe something I liked and wasn't going to let it get away. Little did I know it would be more than a date for Sr Prom.

He asked me to marry him on our 6th anniversary-at our beach in Half Moon Bay. It was the beach we first started to hang out at in our 1st summer dating.

We were married a year later to the day.

It has been great so far. I was looking around tonight while reading the girls their bedtime story. It is amazing to me what our life has led to so far. Even the clutter and messes...they represent LIFE. They represent us thriving and growing and building on our love.

I am so thankful-daily-for my husband. He is my friend, my support, my partner. He is my love, my life, my one. I look forward to enjoying the time ahead of us as we continue to evolve.

Just a few pictures to represent our journey...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Hanna and Jose! Here's to many more!

Leigh said...

You are still my idols! Congratulations...

drea :: dre of white stables said...

Congratulations!! I've been out of the blog loop, sorry. ;)

yusringadi said...

Congratulations, Be Happy forever,..

mamafish said...

Thanks everyone! Somedays it is a challenge and others easy. All told it is something to treasure!