There's a catchy title eh?
I have mentioned that I am watching a friend's baby. She is the daughter of a lady that teaches near us and is also friends with another mama from my group. The peanut will be unnamed as an effort to maintain her privacy and the respects of her family...
Today's post is definitely inspired from this new job. I have thus far watched Peanut for 6 days earlier this month and then again starting this week. The 1st part was only partially difficult and I chalked it up to adjustment. This week so far (yup, 2 days in...) has been HARD!
Yesterday, I decided to lump us together into the Bjorn and the double stroller. I must've looked like a real fertile myrtle...either that or a crazy mad lady.... We have had some killer heat these past days and so Peanut, being only 3 months old must be protected from the sun. I had her in some lightweight pants and a short sleeved onesie. She had a hat on, and in the Bjorn she sat. I tried to use a receiving blanket to drape over her arms and legs, tucked into the straps of the front pack. With Elly in the front and Bri in the back, I figured I could trek around the my 2 mile loop. Uhm...yeah...not so much. I would get a few steps, and then the paci would be spit out. I would stop and fix that and head on. Then the hat fell off. Then the receiving blanket repeatedly fell off. Trust me, stopping every couple of feet would a happy experience make. I decided to cut our route off a bit to make it home in time for Peanut's Mama to meet us at the house for a nursing session. At one point a 911 emergency call was heading right by us. Usually I cover my youngest's ears, but being that she is not so tiny and delicate as Peanut, she lost on that protection. Luckily, I think the fire fighters saw me and cut the siren for the moment and just ran the lights.
Well we made it home, Peanut sacking out for a snooze and much to my surprise, Bri did too! She never does this....and when she does she wakes up when we stop. Well, not this time. I kept us outside since it was still shady and fresh, and Elly played with her sidewalk chalk. Peanut woke up and had some floor (grass) blanket time. Nothing like tummy time under a shady tree! Bri Bri slept on. Finally I decided to wake her and begin our usual lunch and nap procedures. Well that went to hell in a a hand basket! Lunch was rejected, so I assumed we should take it into naptime. Peanut's mom headed back to school and i had 3 kidlets to slumber into dreamland. rest for the weary (me). Bri flat out refused to sleep, and when I tried she screeched waking Peanut. Elly only slept an hour of her usual 2.5 hour nap, and by pickup time, I had 3 tired kids and a bald spot-no kidding...but I really wanted to pull my hair out!
Today, was a TON better, but still had it's severe weak spots. We started out horribly. I had to ready the 3 girls, and myself for outing to dance class. I got Peanut fed and asleep for a hopefully long enough morning nap. Got myself looking FLY! (lmao!) Seriously...I was feeling it! Then Bri laughed a bit too loud and woke up the not so sleeping Peanut-who was outraged that she wasn't allowed to continue her catnap. At this point I hobbled through dressing all 3, doing hair on the 2, and grabbing snacks and bottles and diapers all the while to the sweet serenade of Angry Peanut. Elly kept trying to shove the paci in her mouth and Bri kept rocking the carseat...
As I searched unsuccessfully for my sunglasses I found Elly curled up on the couch with her hands covering her ears and Bri was following me with her own wails asking me to hug her (how she says she wants to be picked up). I decided my best course of action was to plunk my girls into carseats and seatbelts grab the baby, forget about the glasses and start the truck. 2 blocks into our 5 minute ride Peanut fell asleep. Dance class was quiet and relatively happy due to an awesome mocha and a cookie for my Bri.
Coming home was equally fine and the rest of the day went better.
Let's just say that I am ABSOLUTELY sure that our family is Spot On Perfect with 2 kids. I have no interest in going backwards. I like that my life is relatively calm and certainly so much more predictable. I will get my snuggles and baby smells while I am watching Peanut and feel content watching my daughters evolve, and my life as a parent take shape.
12 years ago
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