Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Out with the Old and In with the New

Here we are, at the very end of the year 2008. I look back on the year, and am pleasantly ok with what has taken place. Amidst the normal ins and outs of our days, there were certainly some extra sad moments and some exbuberant ones too. I believe that to be normal. I can remember in the past feeling let down by the year and wishing for so much more in the year to come on New Year's Eve. This year, I have none of that. Must be I feel content with my life.
Of course, there is always room for improvement and so I make some resolutions.

  1. 10 more pounds
  2. spending money on junky crap that has momentary value and no lasting power.
  3. foregoeing exercise and healthier eating
  4. lazy stay at home mom behavior
  5. clothes that are from eons ago and have no place on my body or in my closet


  1. better budgeting
  2. weekly visits to see my grammy
  3. more taking care of myself time
  4. read more
  5. understand the basics of small business start-ups (for the salsa an food products we hope to establish in the next year)

I make similar resolutions every year. Most the time, they get ignored even past the 1st month. I did however make huge strides in my reckless spending, recognizing the power of my few dollars, bettering my health (lost 13 lbs since May) and exercising (can run 2 miles easily), finding time for myself and having some adult sanity time.

I guess the overall goal is to better myself and my family. I am a list person and so to write it down is effective...even more so if I publish it to the web.

I wish for all my friends and family to have a year that is every bit the best possible.

Happy and Healthy New Year to you all!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Homemade things...

Here are some pictures of my crafty ways. I know I promised eons ago. In light of my current brain freeze in creative writing, I will post my handywork for all to see.
PEEK BAGS (aka I-Spy Bags)
Felt Foods for Imaginative Playing
Fortune Cookies


Bow tie Pasta



Ham Sandwich

Ham Sandwich parts

Sausage and Cheese Pizza


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I know....

Not sure how to start back in again, so instead I will post a couple of holiday pics and then start fresh after that.

Enjoy the family fun!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bad Blood

I know....I have been gone, but as they say, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder".

I however had so much going ti da. No really, I was busting my butt to complete my self imposed "work", I mean crafts. When I had a few minutes I was honestly just plain lazy. THEN, my world went a lot dark and glum.

Last Friday, after the holiday boutique, I was vegging around and my auntie called. Apparently, my Grammy fell while decorating her Xmas Tree. (Stupid tree!) She managed to drag herself to her phone, dial 911, and we assume back to the door to allow their entry. She was taken to the hospital, where they supported her with pain management over night waiting for the specialist coming in the next day. She had her surgery, and the leg was repaired just fine. Then my aunt called again. She had lost blood during the surgery and recieved a transfusion. This caused her body to react with antibodies. It caused a downward spiral from then on. I was called in to the hospital Saturday morning. My grammy was not doing well at all. She was having trouble with her blood pressure (the night before it went dangerously low and during the next 2 days it was super high with meds), her kidneys were not functioning, and her heart rate was erratic.

I hauled ass and was crying as I was driving in the hour to the hospital. I practically ran in from the parking lot, not knowing what was waiting for me.

What I saw, made me so so sad. My Grammy, pale and tied to her bed with about 10 different IV bags flowing into her. She had a breathing tube and arm restraints keeping her from pulling it out. My Grammy, at 80 is more vivacious than people lots younger than her. She stands 5'11" and is strong. Here she was, motionless and unresponsive. So freaking hard. We all collected. My brother and mom, my aunts, uncles and cousins all made the hospital our 1st home and Grammy's house our 2nd. We were there for all the visiting sessions on Saturday, with each one more grim and saddening. When we left for dinner we were certain our return the next morning would be the one where we had to decide....We ate a large table at Applebee's. The waitress, unwittingly asked what our occasion was. I said sadness...she was a bit speechless. We congregated at Grammy's. A giant family sleepover such as never has happened-without her. We remembered, and passed the Jack Daniels around. After being stupid and silly in our grief we managed to quiet down and most of us didn't sleep. I was up a few times, just sad. Sitting next to her favorite chair and remembering and feeling sad about the visits I didn't plan.

The next morning we doused in coffee and choked a few bites in. We even went so far as to make some calls and investigate some funeral homes.

We made our way (leaving 2 cousins and an aunt at the house to come to terms). When we made it to her room...what an amazing, amazing change!!! My Grammy was awake and gesturing and rolling her eyes and shrugging. We called the others, who came as fast as the law would allow.

Now, 3 days later, she is without the breathing tube, is feeding herself the ensure, is off of all meds but the pain med. She is still having kidney issues, and has recieved dialysis twice. We are hoping for this to kick them back into gear on their own without having to continue the treatment. However, she is alive, coherent, questioning her status, and all the little postive steps that tell us we have her back. Simply amazing.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Yay for MOMMY

My mom is in town....she is helping me with some of the food designs that I couldn't figure out. We are trekking to San Fran lil bro's bday is today so we will be lunching with him. Looking forward to the visit and to the city. Opposed to many I LOVE going to the city. Gotta bring my camera....maybe some good shots to find today! Happy Friday!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Busy lil Mama

I am working. Well, sorta unofficially. I am my own boss. Not that I mean I am doing those work from home programs. I have been using my craft skills for good. Been making things, and selling things. It all started in August....

My mom was on the organizing team for a quilt show where she lives. We decided to run a booth. Jose was to do his booth for the food vending and I would put some crafty shiz together for sale. I got this brilliant idea to make I Spy bags. I had read about them online and wanted to try it out. So for the show I set out to make 22 bags (11 girl based and 11 boys based). THEN we were rained out. UGH....what to do...I shared them with the owner of our learning store in town. She bought 10. Then I shared with my previous principal. She bought 2. HMMM a concept became real! I sent the remaining with my friend to a few craft fairs. She sold 6. Then I had to make more, and a few orders later (yes! people are ordering them from me! Amazing!) I have made to date, 40 bags.

Now, I have a new venue. I am making felt foods! These are so addicting. I am making inventory for a small holiday craft boutique in a few weeks. I have made, breakfast foods (bacon, pancakes with butter and eggs), fruit (lemons, limes, oranges, watermelon) veggies (snow peas, green beans, carrots --working on more), cookies, and pizza.

I hope to have pics up to share...but in the meantime I am just explaining another absence from my blog world. Apparently with my limited free time, I can only have 1 hobby in the limelight. At the moment, my crafty stuff takes 1st place. As I juggle life around to accomodate holidays and family visits, and my list of porjects I hope to complete, I intend to make space for the blog.


Monday, November 10, 2008

The Number 1 Hit

When I was born, this was the Number 1 hit in pop music. When Jose was born, this was Number 1. When Elly was born, this was the hit and for Bri it was this.

Enjoy the musical programing for the evening!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Halloween Candy....

...has been put away. I really don't need to act as clean up person for the girls. Between their bags and our "didn't get passed out" candy, I have been eating wayyyyy to much. So: the Hershey's, Reese's and M & M's have been frozen for future baking, and the hard sugary candies in the trash. I told Elly that Daddy took it all to kids who don't have candy. It works as a reason, since we have done some fundraisers in the past for children in need. She accepted it. She did say though "Don't worry Mommy, there is more at the store!" Ahhhh yes, she has a good concept of commercialism. I am raising a future shopper for the world.

I already know I will be making fondue with teh Hershey's and cookies with M's (as Elly calls them). However, I am open for suggestions regarding the peanut butter cups. They are mostly the single regular sized candies. Any ideas?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


That is my overall feeling from the Presidential Election 2008. I am thrilled that our country will have a new direction to work towards at the hands of the man I believe will be wonderful for our country. I originally believed Hillary to be the better candidate...but no regrets baby. Not now. I have watched his debates and public forums. I feel very confident in him. He is solid. He is real. He is not cocky or egotistical or condescending. He comes from a place where I do-no silver spoon in his mouth. Barack Obama also represents a slice of America's melting pot. For my daughters, also of mixed heritage, this is huge. My daughters are half Mexican and 1/2 me (little bits of everything with Italian as 25%). They will not see a white man running our country. For their futures, they will see that race does not keep you from being the President of the United States. (Next I hope to see women break in...Hillary or some other equally capale and remarkable woman!)

Watching people's eyes and faces as they listened to the acceptance speech last night was awesome. I felt the unity of hope. I am excited to bid farewell to GW and his horrible legacy. I realize that we have a tough climb ahead of us. However, we would have been seening the same difficulties with McCain. At least now, I feel that there will be positives in exchange for the negatives, and not more drudgery.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Fun!

Whew! Halloween is over and I am thankful. It was super fun, but we started "Doing Halloween" just into October. By last night, my kids where nuts and I had no defenses lol. We have been to pumpkin patches, halloween parties, created crafts, dressed up 6 different days in 4 different costumes, watched parades, carved pumpkins, and ate lots of candy (admittedly I have demolished a few bags on my lonesome....). Since we all know how wordy I can get, I will allow pictures to speak for themselves.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I was reading Lia's blog the other day and she had a sweet argument for against Proposition 8. All I could do was nod and applaud her. We all know I can run off at the mouth-but when it comes to succinct tidy debates, not really my thing. I get too emotional, and the facts get mumbled. I am against prop 8. I do not believe that anyone should decided who gets to be in a marriage except the couple directly involved. It's not my buisiness if Joe and John or Mary and Anna want to make it official and legal that they are in love and are intending to join homes, hearts and all that go into a marriage. I am a bit desensitized though on homosexuality. There are many from both sides of my family that are gay. So to me, not a big deal. I have no dissillusions about it. As a child I was introduced to the concept of AIDs at 10 years old. My uncle had contracted it in the 80's. As an early case, he received horrible treatment (medically and personally). There were many fears that have since been erased. His funeral home refused to dress his body because of the fear of contagiousness. DUH-dead body=no transferring of the disease...(our family won that lawsuit...).

Anyway, I have been thinking a lot of the stupidity of the prop. On my block we have a fundemntal family, and they proudly have tacked up their YES ON 8 sign. I really want to shake them....and change their minds. I was at the lake Sunday picking up the wee one. There was a crusty old fisherman tinkering with the motor on a boat for 2 ladies. From their appearance and body posture I could guess they were gay. Towards the end of his mechanical check up he says..."Ok girls, its good to go. So how do you feel about Prop 8? How will you vote?" Oh man.....They were classy and didn't even address it....

Then last night the doorbell rang while we were eating. I went to see who it was, and lo and behold...a momma I know from around town. Happens to be from the LDS mommy group. I am not a fan of her and her blase parenting skills (her kid was spitting in the faces of others and she turned a blind eye, then he karate kicked at my face-same result). My fun was being able to tell her I was voting against the prop. She went on her merry mission of persuasion to make marriage sacred. UGH.

Here is something I copied from a message board. I LOVE IT!

10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage is Wrong...

1) Being gay is not natural.

And real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning, tattoos, piercings and silicone breasts.

2) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay.

In the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.

3) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior.

People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract. Lamps are next.

4) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all
Hence why women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal

5) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed;
And we can't let the sanctity of Britney Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage be destroyed.

6) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children.

So therefore, gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our population isn't out of control, our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.

7) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children,
Since, of course, straight parents only raise straight child?ren

8) Gay marriage is not supported by religion.

In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.

(Did I miss the lesson where Jesus says He hates homosexual people?)

9) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home.

Which is exactly why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.

10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms.

Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.

***Thanks for reading my novel....if nothing else I was able to spout off a bit.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Steppin Back Up to the Horse!

I went jogging yesterday. It was my first intentional (as opposed to my everyday little bits) exercise. Since Daddy took his little sweeties out on the boat, and left me our furry boy Chester I took advantage of some kid free time. Chessie and I went a joggin'. Consequently, I am very sore today. I realized that it is a different set of movement than jogging behind the stroller. I am sore in places that didn't get tender when I run with the girls. There also are advantages. I had a better distance endurance. I was able to keep a faster pace and run for longer distance than other times. Good! That doesn't mean I am heading out again for a few days I need to recoup! Here are a couple of random thoughts that floated in and out of my head while I ran....

-I like the stroller because I don't need to hold things in my hands. I had my cell phone, the remote to the electronic training collar for Ches in one hand and the leash in the other.

-I saw TONS of recycling (which I normally pick up...environmental and civic duty and a few extra pennies my way)...but no container nor a free hand.

Anyway, Jose liked taking his babies with him on the lake, so I may have more opportunities to work my poor tired body into shape!


Friday, October 24, 2008

It's the little things...

As my babies get older, I get glimpses of them turning into little people. The baby-ness fades (and that makes me a bit sad...once it's gone, there is no getting it back-unless you are Mrs. Duggar).

In trade for this, I get nice treats. For me, seeing the future is not a talent I can claim. I have to rely on getting my picture as each puzzle pice comes into play. What I mean is, we all want to know that our children will grow up to have rich and rewarding lives. In that, I want to know that they will have a sense of humor, compassion, enjoy things, be able to manuever in the world with flexibility and success.

How does this have anything to do with my babies? I am watching them grow by the minute. When I am not overpowered by the complete take over of being a mom, I can step back and enjoy my little people.

Today alone, I was able to "see" these things:
  • Elly laughing at a tv show
  • Bri Bri waving and smiling at the Homecoming Parade
  • Both girls enjoying sitting on a pony
  • Interacting with our friends
  • Bri enjoying a candy bar (a rare treat for her) and begging for more....
  • Elly eating a soft serve ice cream cone.

I compare this to a time when I was teaching. We are so ready to blow the whistle and yell and make little people conform. One day in the fall, I was on yard duty for recess. A fellow teacher and I were chatting near the playground and watched a set of students begin to jump in a freshly raked pile of leaves. We both brought the whistle up to our lips. Before I blew I had to laugh. It was so refreshing watching them enjoy the moment. It was pure. It was simple. It was harmless fun. The grounds crew probably disagreed. We did allow it for a few minutes and then gently corrected them. Instinct was put aside, and with that we were able to see kids exploring and entertaining themselves (no electronics, or commercial involvement, all healthy fun).

I try to remember this lesson as I parent. It helps me take a pause and assess the whole situation. It also allows me to enjoy my role, and take pleasure in the small treasures in my life.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Oh CRAP! (in other words...&*^%%##!!!!!!)

Last night Jose crunched the car.....He was driving home and thought he had more stopping room (as taught to him in UPS training). Sadly, he ended up under the rear bumper of the truck in front of him. Thankfully, he is totally fine-physically. He is mentally bashing himself though. The truck in front had minimal damage and the driver was fine just exchanging info. Our car....not so good.

Friday, October 17, 2008

4th Annual Pumpkin Patch Trip

Since Elly was 6 months and our other friends were just as tiny, we have been going to the same quaint country pumpkin patch. Yesterday was our field trip day. We go, bring costumes, dress them up for a group pic, and then explore the fun places. Afterwards, we hit up Chili's for lunch. (YUMMY!). Here are a few shots of our fun:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Today the 3.5 year old said....

Here is a sampling of the funny things she has said just today...

1) I am a weirdo kid!

2) Hey there's Ellen (saw a commercial on tv with Ellen and our local news personality). Then she proceeded to show me how Ellen dances in the beginning of her show...Me thinks she notices so much more than I think!

3) Hey they are naked! Regarding the men dancing on Dancing With the Stars after they shucked their jackets off.

4) My tummy hurts. I think we need to call my dentist so I can have my new baby.

UHM yeah....I just listen, remember and record. I don't even bother with corrections. That will come with time. In the interim, I am not ashamed to say I take full advantage of it for my personal entertainment.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I took the plunge!

(Before, Front new, back new)

So what do you think? I finally did what I was threatening to do for-ever! Honesty is appreciated...

For what it's worth, I printed out my trusty picture of what I thought I wanted and shared it with the expert. She agreed it was cute, and I could make it work-even with my mostly wavy/curly hairs. Today's look is courtesy of my stylists patience of blow-drying, rolling out, and ironing. I can honestly say it won't be straight every day. It will be curly some days too. Kinda like a twofer. I get 2 styles in one cut! NICE...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

yUMMy New Snack!

Ok, so maybe not so diet friendly...but damn good!


1 medium crisp apple (I prefer Gala)

4 FUN SNACK sized Snickers


Cut apple to snack sized pieces. I like to chop around the core and end up with 4 biggish pieces.

Open 1 candy bar...Bite the apple and then bite the candy. DAMN good! Proceed to eat the rest in alternating fashion. I often will rotate bites. 3 bites apple, bite Snickers etc.


You're welcome.....and I apologize.....

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Politicians and Trains...

I feel like this is the 1st year I am actively interested in politics. I have had bits and pieces in the past 14 years (if you do the math you will catch how old I am...) that were intriguing and pulled me in. I know it's my civic duty to know the issues and people and to vote. However, I admit to being bored or not fully understanding the hot topics. The television commercials are fine and dandy, but they are biased. The gobblety-gook printed is equally confusing do to the wording used. I do remember that I was very against Prop 227, and I was activated to vote in the famous Recall of Governor Grey Davis. Otherwise, I vote because I can. I also vote because I would like to see results of my voice in elections. When I don't truely understand or have an opinion, I don't respond to that item. Sad...I know.

This year, I am so so into it. Our local politics have my eye/ear, as do the state level and national level. I am voting with a mail in ballot. I will be able to vote without the pressure of my peanuts pulling at my legs from their stroller. I can concentrate on what my vote will be and why.

The presidential elections are exciting to me. There are definitely hot item topics that shout out to me (and I love the debates! get the popcorn and diet coke out!). Of course, the reactions of people are always interesting.
Here is an email I received from my auntie. I think it's funny!

Monday, October 6, 2008

I Fixed It!

So today I was tooling around on my dashboard...actually was thinking about a new layout for a new site I mentioned. I was planning on making the switch to a new blog to allow for the missing comments button. Harumph...I saw something that hadn't been then before when I started to have problems with the layout and comments. "REVERT TO DEFAULT". So I did....and I do....have a comments button that is.

Needless to say...I will delete the post I had ready about moving to a new site...and I will be sticking it out with the Fishy Tales Blog.

I am looking for Welcome Back comments. I know I have a small following of readers. I also know that some people have confessed to be too lazy to leave comments the old way. I also know I have some secret stalkers....

Talk to me people! Can we rack up a higher total than ever before? My highest comment day was 5. Yup. 5. Chatter....

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

One more for the road...

Just because I was asked about this:

Yes Leigh, I do see you....and in the words of Miss Nancy on Romper Room...

"I see Modesto, I see Heather, I see Lia, I see Andi, I see Rhode Island, I see Sophia, I see Pam, I see Lizzie, and many more!"

Thanks loyal readers for stopping by even in my lapse of writing! Keep up the good work!


Ok, I can almost, finally see out of my clouds. I have been buried! After our Salsa Competition Sept 20, we have not stopped. Well...we never stop to be truthful. But this time it was all about finishing our entry (which, by the way we won! Grand Prize aka People's Choice, and best Mild flavor) and moving into the next big thing.

We kinda steamrolled into projections and research about starting a business around the salsa and marinades of my creatively amazing husband. I have been reading my Small Business for Dummies book, scouring Craigslist for kitchen rentals, delving deep into Grant lists for possible funding.

However, I also have been sewing, baking and shopping in preparation for a quilt show at my mom's. We are going to have 2 booths. One is a craft and baked goods booth for my mom and me. The other is our Teriyaki Chicken booth. My job for that is "back office". Making and printing signage, buying the goods...etc.

My other huge project is the Pajama Program Fundraiser that I am involved in. I am on the planning panel consisting of reps from 6 moms' groups here in our town. We have been working on our 2nd annual event. Last year we collected almost 200 pairs of pjs and close to 300 books, along with some monetary donations. Our goal is to match or beat those totals. Tomorrow is the event at a local inflatable playground.

After our 3 hours there, I grab my babies head to costco to pick up our goods for the show. Back home again for last minute baking and packing. Friday we are driving up early and Saturday is a long day-but hopefully fruitful. I would love to earn some decent money...we could use it big time.

Anyway, long story short. I have lots of things to write about and no time. I will be bloggable by Monday again. Be will be prolific I am sure.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

100 Solid!

WOW! I have done 100 posts. Sounds solid! I have enjoyed this forum because it appeals to many facets of myself.

I can "perform" for an "audience". Most people who know me well, know I like my limelight. I enjoy being social, and entertaining (probably a good reason why I was a teacher for a while--instant captive audience....hee hee). If you are a stranger to me and are getting to know me through the blog, then I can imagine you are understanding this about me by now.

I can collect my thoughts on things that are quasi taboo for conversation. Topics like venting about my current stage of life, the self pity, the frusteration, the fears and worries. Pretty heavy themes for the average chit chat. So my blog allows this to occur, thus keeping me light of heart and mind.

I can brag! This is my venue, and I have some cute babies to blab all about! Of course, my babies are nothing short of the best! And everything that they do is nothing short of extraordinary....feel free to agree!

I can feel like an adult. In writing on a regular basis (I am aware of my lapses....) I feel like I am exercising my brain again. It gets mushy awful quickly without daily workouts.

As a finish to my post, I will do my promised READER AWARDS!

1.) Most Comments! This award goes to Andi of The Coslett Commotion. Andi you are the best at cheerleading and supporting. Thanks for taking the time to read and report your thoughts! Also, thanks for figuring out the tricks to commenting period.

2.) Biggest Stalker! (Totally love that someone is so interested in me and mine...). Some person in Modesto (come forward please...announce yourself and make my acquaintance!) This unknown person has hit my site more often than anyone.....COOL!

3.) My most supportive Blog Hopper (as is one who checks me out from other blogs) is M Yeager of No Cheese, Please! Talk about jumping right in...she read my blog posts, and commented....and then, get this has been back and did it all again!
Thanks Everyone, I love the support. I hope in my ditherings there are smiles on your faces, along with nods in agreement and even disagreement. If I can do at least this, and hopefully more...then I am connecting with folks. That makes me happy to know....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

13 Down, at least 3 more to go

I have lost 13 pounds in my quest for losing the post baby fat. I walk with my girls and my fellow mamas, and I watch what I eat. Plain and simple. I know I could have lost more, and quicker...but I don't live that way. I LIKE food. So I have come up with a way to balance that and my personal expectations for my weight. Slow and steady wins the race they say.

I figure I allow myself quite a few splurges-probably more so than I should. But I am seeing results. I also am doing MUCH better in how much I can handle in my exercise. My usual routine is to run the 1/2 mile to our meet point, then we walk 4 miles, and I run the last 1/2 mile home. The walking is almost too easy. I can feel myself WANT to run, in my off times. Starting to crave it. That is good. I love that my body feels more like a machine as I run, and less like a junk yard jalopy.

Next goal, 3 more lbs and then a re-evalutation. At that point I will also need new pants. I am getting by currently with shorts and capris that are borrowed (I really don't want to buy new shorts NOW, at the end of the season...). I am holding out for the weather to shift and hoping it coordinates with my next 3 lbs.

Just thought I would update....

(Next post is 100...READER AWARDS!)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Can I pull this off?

Ok so I am desperately in need of a LOOK. Not just a new look, but plain and simply a LOOK. I have a simple hair cut, shoulder length-that gets put in a pony 9 times oit of 10. It used tohave cute highlights. Then I had kids and ran out of money and time. Now I am realizing that I would like to have a LOOK so that I can have a nice picture of me for my various social websites. (yes I succomb to myspace and facebook......).

So I ask this: Could I pull of the following hair color/style? I really love the color....and the style, well I had it short ways back, and with my curl, it wouldn't be this straight. But I think I could hack it...any thoughts?

A Little Bogged Down

No not backed up...BOGGED DOWN.

I am currently embroiled in several time consuming projects.

1.) My hubby is entered to compete for the best Salsa recipe this weekend. He has been formulating his recipes since we were in High School. This will be his 1st competition. (If you are local, come root him on!) My part in this is the booth decor, the paperwork, gathering last minute tools/necesary items.

2.)On the organizing team for our town's fundraising drive for the Pajama Program. Culmination is October 2.

3.) Creating crafts and baked goods for a booth at the Weaverville Quilt Show-Autumn in the Alps. Jose will be doing a food booth as well. I am in charge of making sure he has the non-food inventory. He does all the food stuff. I am planning a Costco run soon enough. This takes place Oct 4. (yup, only 2 days past our PJ event...I will be nusto I am sure.)

4.) Normal day to day Mommy jobs and Wifey Jobs.

Needless to say, my blog is suffering. Don't give up on me...I am working on a new one-so my ever lovin' readers can easily leave love notes for me on my comments section....please stand by...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Creative Arts for the Young Child

(I will start with excusing my absence with the old LIFE HAPPENS excuse...Just got caught up in all my various projects....)

On Tuesday we had a classically creative day. Started out with Elly's 2nd dance class. This was a good one for all. Elly did fine and dandy, for the most part followed her teacher's lead and while is not spot on with the fine arts of Ballet or Tap (3 1/2 years old and 2nd lesson, it is to be expected...) she is enjoying herself and is getting exposure. I left the class for a short bit to go around the corner to the post office. Apparently, they would rather NOT have an audience for distraction. I was able to get a few errands done, and Bri behaved for the time that we were inside watching (last week she kept trying to go and dance.....).
Then, after naps, we painted. Elly is an old hand at this. She knows the routine-protective smocks, scrap paper on the table, paint+paper+paintbrush combo (no walls or other non-standard media), the masterpiece itself, and the clean-up (she evens washes the brushes herself). This time, we added an unknown component. BRIANA. Turns out she did just fine.

Friday, September 5, 2008

100 looming large!

Just thought I would share that I am reaching my centennial mark. This of course is a fluff post to add a notch on my count. Who knows, maybe on #100, there will be some more reader acknowledgements?!?!

On a side note, I am getting my 1st real cold in a long while. Reminds me of when I was teaching. Scratchy throat and sneezing so far. Hopefully it will be mild, and super hopefully my kids won't be infected.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dancin' Toes

Elly had her 1st dance class today. So freakin' cute to see these little girls in dance clothes and fancy shoes. She is in a preschool combo class and will be taught ballet and tap. So far, she is so excited to just be part of the class. She was totally amped and bounced around, sharing stories whenever she could get a convo in. Lucky for her teacher, that wasn't often. (Me thinks the girl will be hearing much of what I was told as a young student. "Too much talking"....).

Enjoy the picture slideshow of her first class....

Monday, September 1, 2008

Weekend Update

Had a get-together last night to attend. The girls and I headed out to the Bay Area for dinner, fun, and playtime with some friends (the same as the beach trip). It was very nice. J didn't come because he had a prior commitment with DOVES. Opening season....he and the dog went off for an overnight and early morning hunt.

Anyway....some cute pics from the night....

Tic-Tac-Toe, Three in a Row!

Not to jinx myself (we all know it will now that I am writing about it...), but I have had 3 nights straight without a certain someone interrupting my dreams. Perhaps she heard me talking about the Cry It Out Campaign. Maybe she figured out I meant business? Probably, the teeth have stopped bothering her enough to disrupt her sleep....Which means since we are only seeing 8 of 12 for this age, there will be more sleepless nights....."sigh".....and that means, I haven't written the last on this topic.....

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Of Course.....

We are embarking on Code Red Level Sleep Training on the Stubborn One. Bri is still having problems sleeping through the night, which means we ALL are having sleep problems. Up until Thursday, I was getting up with her, sitting by her crib and trying my damndest to hush and calm her back to sleep. This is all part of the theory from our Sleep Training Bible- Good Night, Sleep Tight.

However this little girl is resistant to the charms of this model. So we are stepping up our forces.

Our newest plan is to use the brutal (on all of us) Cry It Out. So we did. Friday morning I was 2 hours into my sleeptime. 2:30 am, the beast awakens. I get up and sat with her for an hour. She is teething, but had enough medicine to cover that. She was just simply awake. Wanting me to get her out of the crib, wanting me to rock her, wanting me to take her to our bed. Nuh-uh. Not gonna happen.

SO...after an hour of no results, I kissed her head and said " It's night time, you need to go to sleep. Since you won't lay down, Iam leaving the room. I love you. Go to sleep."

Harsh...and did she? Not for another hour. Instead, she cried. In fact she screeched. Her mantra of choice? Mama Mama Mommmeeeeeee. Then I heard her 1 paci hit the ground. Uh oh....Insert Pac-eeeeee to her monologue. 45 minutes in, I went in got the paci from the floor stuck it in her mouth, kissed her, and said good night. I walked out. Boy that pissed her off to now end. But it did end. Soon after she settled, and we all went back to sleep.

Our plan, to be continued last night was to be me going in, saying lay down go to sleep kissing her and walking out. Hmmm but it changed.

She slept all freaking night. Woke up at 6:30 (Daddy did kid duty this morning so I could replace some missing zzz's).

I am jaded enough to know that it CAN'T be this easy. We are armed with the same plan for tonight. Here's to hoping though.....

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Rah Rah Sis Boom Bah!

I am in a Girls League for Fantasy Football. Last night was our draft night. I love football, I watch as faithfully as I can when my beloved Niners are on. I have followed them since I was wee one, through the Golden Years, the Suckin' Years, and now the Rebuild Years. Because I am watching so often I get a glimpse of other players and their accomplishments. However, none stick in my mind long after the fact.

So back to my draft....

The time was 5:30. Smack dab in the middle of prepping dinner time. Smack dab in the middle of feed the babies time. Thankfully I have my laptop. I sat at the dinner table with the kiddlets and monitored their simple dinner of pasta noodles, broccoli, turkey meat, string cheese, yogurt and cherry tomatoes. And I sweated.

Nerves hit me because I didn't really understand the draft process. I had no idea how many players I was drafting. I barely knew some of the players, and damn, there's a lot of players to scroll through! My pick was 10th, of 12. That was good because I had time to figure out my next move. but THEN, it snaked back. So immediately after my pick I had to be ready with a 2nd.

Oh the pressure! Add that to a whiny 1 year old, a barking dog, and a curious 3 year old. My brain hurt!

Anyway, after about halfway, I figured out the queue system (DOH!) and began using the down time to line up choices. I figured out the amount of players by looking at my lineup. It showed my filled positions and left over ones. COOL. I came out of the draft with an ok team.

There is money to be won if my players cooperate!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Retratos del paseo a la casa de me mami

(Did I mention that I am fully bilingual in Spanish? You might find some if it popping out on Blogger.)

Here are a few fun pics from our trip.

Monday, August 25, 2008

sooo tired

it was a horrible night last night-teething monkey wouldn't sleep, mommy and daddy were dice. a whole total of 3 hours for me. early rising, wouldn't you know it....that girl is brutal. consequently, no pictures from our trip ready to share. guess it will be tomorrow's post. just thought i'd pop on to update my status.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

100 Thoughts...

6 am wakeup*coffee*breakfast on the road*TRAFFIC*5.5 hours driving*rest stop*on the road again*fast food lunch*midday arrival*beautiful crisp blue sky*towering mountains*NO WILDFIRE SMOKE (!)*Hugs and kisses*Stretch legs*unload various travel junk*settling in at grandma's*start cooking grapes down for jelly*pile back into the truck*head to the lake*blackberry picking time*collect about 8 lbs of sweet purple jewels*wildlife*yummy eggplant Parmesan dinner*blackberry crisp*bedtime*whole family in 1 room*many nighttime wakings*early wakeup*daddy fishing*mommy girls and grandma relax*jam/jelly process begins*finish grape jelly*yields 5 jars*blackberry jam yields 8 jars*all stocked up*us girls head to town*check out CAL FIRE helicopters at the airport*ice cream*park*head back to "Dam-ma's"*BBQ Chicken dinner*bath/bed for babies*quiet time for adults*more nighttime wakings*another early wake up*daddy goes fishing*fussy babies*scaredy 3 year old freaking out about 3 kitties*frustrated mommy*adventurous 1 year old*No, No and more No*make lunch*get ready for the swimming hole*head out for a day of play*arrive at the swimming hole*no one else is there*awesome*HOT weather*ice cold snow melt water*soft sand beach*crisp blue sky*beach picnic*baby girls enjoying it oh so much more*end of season last visit to the HOLE*head out midday for car nap/explore the area*1.5 hour nap*1.5 hour peace and quiet for the momma*nice convo for me and my momma*saw cool helicopter picking up supplies for the fire fighters*got it on video*arrive back at the house*clean up and change from wet clothes*begin packing up*fresh trout tacos dinner*final clean ups*final packing*pjs on girls*final hugs and kisses*load up*7pm drivin' away*fussy teething baby*motrin*highlands tablets*soothing radio*drivin' through the mountain roads*sleepy babies*gas up*coffee up*McD's Caramel Iced Coffees*YUM!*Snoring Babies*5 hours driving home*dark ass country interstate*checking voicemail*crink in neck from snoozing in front seat*interesting night time talk radio on AM*pull up to house*unload sleeping babies*unload important junk*shower travel off*settle in*

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Heading back up to my mom's early tomorrow morning. We were supposed to hang out and play at the county fair and swim at the swimmin' hole. The fair is canceled since CAL FIRE is camping at the fairgrounds while they fight remaining California Wildfires.

In it's place will be making jam (I just picked 18 qts of fresh grapes..stems still bring up), the park, the swimmin' hole, some should be a nice visit.

Check y'all in a few days!

No more naps....

I see a trend. Elly, now 3 and 5 months, is not taking naps. Last week, she remained awake during 3 of them, and today too. She is perfectly happy playing in her room with the lights out, curtains drawn, and music on. She plays with her stuffed animals or her babies on her bed. I peek in every so often, and no sign of drowsiness. Luckily, she isn't toast by bedtime. She maintains more or less, her same ol' self. No tantrums, no wipe outs. I guess I need to resign myself to a new era. One that I will be doing less internet surf time, less nap on the couch time, less eat my junky treats so the kids can't see them and ask for them time. Poop! Ah well, I guess as long as lil crazy Bri continues to nap I can deal. (Cross your fingers for that one to remain in place....)

Monday, August 18, 2008

How do you make....

More Big Ideas and Questions from the 3 year old girl:

She is all about the idea of making things. So her newest prompt is "How do you make _______________?" This includes--
  • pasta noodles
  • tomatos
  • watermelon
  • other garden delights
  • tortillas
  • bread
  • and tonights newest--PEOPLE (lol I am so not ready for the BIRDS and the BEES! My answer was "they grow in a mommy's tummy and then they are born!" It's plenty for now.)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Pinkalicious Fun!

This book rocks! It is so cute and fun....totally recommended for little girls to read and enjoy!

I decided to have a party-playdate based on the story. There are lots of ideas out in the virtual world for anyone to peruse and pick from (FYI...)

Remember (read my other post from today explaining my absence online) we had no power so I was trying to keep us unsweaty in all our pink finery. The Pretty Pink Peanuts all arrived in Pinkalicious Outfits. There were some coloring sheets to start with. Then they spread out and began playing with various toys. Once we were all accountecd for, I set the craft out. We had painted some crown picture frames pink and the girls were adding jewels to decorate.

Then it was time for munchies...the whole basis to the book is Pink Cupcakes. So of course, we had those, pink lemonade, plus some rasberry jam sandwiches shaped like hearts, home grown watermelon, and circus animal cookies. This was a 4pm event since the original date was rescheduled due to illnesses (Elly's) and now we are working around preschool and other commitments. Food was hard to plan because of this.

After the goodies, I read the story. Then we passed out goodies bags (a pink bag, a pink feather boa, a plastic beaded bracelet, pink beaded necklace and pink heart stickers. I have 44 pictures, so I thought I would make a slide show to share our fun with our readers.

Technical Difficulties.....

Whew! You know you're addicted to technology when your power goes out, then your phone line goes down and the last straw, your modem draws a blank...and you are all twitchy and snarky on withdrawals. (No I am not delinquent on paying my bills.) Here's the scoop...

THURSDAY: Setting up for a Pinkalicious Party (will explain later) to be hosted at our house with 8 little girls. The power goes down. Oddly enough we had some things working-like the cable box turned off, and the tv stayed on with no signal. Go Figure....Trouble being, it was 100 degrees HOT and no AC...and guests coming over to melt....hmmm. Luckily about 45 mins into the event, we were up and running. In the 2.5 hours of no power the house went from a standard 77 to high 84. It wasn't until about 7pm that the AC caught up.

THURSDAY NIGHT: Setting down to peruse email and other internet fun after the girls went to bed, and no signal for th laptop. The PC is in my room, where lil miss B sleeps and so that wasn't an option. I tuned into Spider Solitare for my electronic wind down. I assumed that the modem took a hit with all the power surging (even with my surge protector). The plan was to hit up BestBuy in the morning.

FRIDAY: Tried to call a friend and no dial tone. Hmm guess that explains the lack of internet. Called the phone company from my cell. Established that my line had a short in it and would need a tech experience. Made the appt for Saturday morning. Nothing else I could do but wait....oh and pick the brains of the BestBuyGuys. We did, learned that I can't just buy a modem without the router. Went home to ponder. Was held to more Spider Solitare...

SATURDAY: Surprise phone call! Yay for service restored! Not so for the internet....We went to the Farmer's Market and got a call saying the tech would be by to verify all was good. He came and tested and all reported to be in fine working internet. I finally decided to get the new modem/router while the girls slept. Came home and installed. No internet. WHY does it have to be so difficult. Nowhere does it talk about changing passwords and using my ip address to match the modem. I hate calling tech support for SBC/ATT. Seems like I always get someone offshore, as in out of the US that has a thick ass accent and a long distance cnnection which makes me feel like I am talking and listening through cotton and tries my very lats frusterated nerve. Well that is pretty much what happened. Fortunately for me (and the support person "Brian") it went much smoother (perhaps because I have done it before and it is familiar?).

Result: All systems go! Oh and if anywone needs a router....I have a perfectly good Lynksys router....just talk to me! It will be going to ebay soon enough.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Night Terrors

My nights have been horrible. Most of the time I am dealing with my teeny one's teething pains. She is still getting most of her teeth. Now we are working on her lower teeth. The past 2 weeks have me averaging about 4 hours max of sleep.

Last night was different. She actually slept. Go figure that the big girl would have some issues in place of the little one. She hd NIGHTMARES. I could hear her rolling around on her bed (she hits the wall). Twice, she called out for me. The time she woke up, she was in tears with a racing heart. Poor thing. I am curious to see if she can express what she was dreaming about. She said monsters last night. Crazy because I am not sure exactly how much exposure to MONSTERS she has had. I limit her viewing pleasure to the mundane. She herself is super sensitive. Most Disney movies have her freaked out in minutes. Think Lucifer the cat in the opening scenes of Cinderella.

I think last night I actually slept for 5 hours (broken up of course....)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Endless Bounty!

We are thoroughly enjoying our garden. Love pulling out our harvest! The girls enjoy walking through and picking the goods. Bri especially is proud of herself for her grape (eating) picking abilities. Additionally, we are always on the hunt for Tomato Bugs (because we run an organic garden). Little did we know that Baby Bri-Bri would be a threat all in her 19 lbs self. She delights in pulling all tomatoes (no color preference) and biting then dropping the remains. Silly little thing....we are gonna have lots of volunteer plants next summer.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

All alone but certainly not lonesome!

Today marks a first. For me. I am heading out to spend some time with one of my BFF's. So why will I be alone? Simple. No kids! Yipppppeeeeeeee (gee do I sound a tad excited?). Since having girlchild #2, I have had only short bits of freedom. She is what I often term as my velcro child so I just went with it. However, Mama needs a bit of a refresher. So I go. Daddy is gonna take his girls to visit folks, thus properly distracting them from the absence of Mommy. We will all reconvine late afternoon again at our house. Then I pick up my pace again and it will be play time and dinner time and bath time and bed time.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Today's reading enjoyment will be a comparison post. My girls and I spent the afternoon with a friend of mine that I have known since our 1st year in college. (Spring '95). She now has 3 kiddos and I of course have my 2 sweets. It was fun times (then and now and in between!). On our last babies, we were due within weeks of each other. Our babies are 19 days apart. Here are a few shots to show how time has passed!

1)Preggo Mamas Feb '07
2.) 7 month olds October 07

3.) Today me with the both

4.)Today Us Mamas

5.) Heather with our lot of kids today
Fun stuff!