Thursday, October 9, 2008

yUMMy New Snack!

Ok, so maybe not so diet friendly...but damn good!


1 medium crisp apple (I prefer Gala)

4 FUN SNACK sized Snickers


Cut apple to snack sized pieces. I like to chop around the core and end up with 4 biggish pieces.

Open 1 candy bar...Bite the apple and then bite the candy. DAMN good! Proceed to eat the rest in alternating fashion. I often will rotate bites. 3 bites apple, bite Snickers etc.


You're welcome.....and I apologize.....


EB said...

And THIS is why I love you! :-) Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

Yum! I am a Granny Smith girl myself though...

drea :: dre of white stables said...

Ooh this is similar to Snicker Salad--same ingredients, but mix them together in a bowl and add whipped cream. YUM!