Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Can I pull this off?

Ok so I am desperately in need of a LOOK. Not just a new look, but plain and simply a LOOK. I have a simple hair cut, shoulder length-that gets put in a pony 9 times oit of 10. It used tohave cute highlights. Then I had kids and ran out of money and time. Now I am realizing that I would like to have a LOOK so that I can have a nice picture of me for my various social websites. (yes I succomb to myspace and facebook......).

So I ask this: Could I pull of the following hair color/style? I really love the color....and the style, well I had it short ways back, and with my curl, it wouldn't be this straight. But I think I could hack it...any thoughts?


drea :: dre of white stables said...

You are brave. I really dig this haircut! I've been wanting a look too--I think you and I have the same one right now. ;)
I've really wanted bangs like that but don't know if I could pull it off, either...I don't know, I think it would look good on you though!

M.Yeager said...

I love that hairstyle! I would totally get it! I have a round face so it wouldn't look good on me but I would kill to be able to carry off a shorter hairstyle. My hair is long and in a ponytail/bunish style 10/10 days!

mamafish said...

Thanks Ladies! I a totally gonna print it out and bring it with me to a stylist. My last 2 haricuts have been home cuts. I literally gave holistic permission to 1.) my friend and 2.) my sister to do whatver they wanted. It worked....but it's just not finished enough. We'll see what I come out as. Of course now that I have a plan, I need to carve some time and moolah out for the action.