Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Out with the Old and In with the New

Here we are, at the very end of the year 2008. I look back on the year, and am pleasantly ok with what has taken place. Amidst the normal ins and outs of our days, there were certainly some extra sad moments and some exbuberant ones too. I believe that to be normal. I can remember in the past feeling let down by the year and wishing for so much more in the year to come on New Year's Eve. This year, I have none of that. Must be I feel content with my life.
Of course, there is always room for improvement and so I make some resolutions.

  1. 10 more pounds
  2. spending money on junky crap that has momentary value and no lasting power.
  3. foregoeing exercise and healthier eating
  4. lazy stay at home mom behavior
  5. clothes that are from eons ago and have no place on my body or in my closet


  1. better budgeting
  2. weekly visits to see my grammy
  3. more taking care of myself time
  4. read more
  5. understand the basics of small business start-ups (for the salsa an food products we hope to establish in the next year)

I make similar resolutions every year. Most the time, they get ignored even past the 1st month. I did however make huge strides in my reckless spending, recognizing the power of my few dollars, bettering my health (lost 13 lbs since May) and exercising (can run 2 miles easily), finding time for myself and having some adult sanity time.

I guess the overall goal is to better myself and my family. I am a list person and so to write it down is effective...even more so if I publish it to the web.

I wish for all my friends and family to have a year that is every bit the best possible.

Happy and Healthy New Year to you all!

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