Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Today the 3.5 year old said....

Here is a sampling of the funny things she has said just today...

1) I am a weirdo kid!

2) Hey there's Ellen (saw a commercial on tv with Ellen and our local news personality). Then she proceeded to show me how Ellen dances in the beginning of her show...Me thinks she notices so much more than I think!

3) Hey they are naked! Regarding the men dancing on Dancing With the Stars after they shucked their jackets off.

4) My tummy hurts. I think we need to call my dentist so I can have my new baby.

UHM yeah....I just listen, remember and record. I don't even bother with corrections. That will come with time. In the interim, I am not ashamed to say I take full advantage of it for my personal entertainment.

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