Wednesday, November 5, 2008


That is my overall feeling from the Presidential Election 2008. I am thrilled that our country will have a new direction to work towards at the hands of the man I believe will be wonderful for our country. I originally believed Hillary to be the better candidate...but no regrets baby. Not now. I have watched his debates and public forums. I feel very confident in him. He is solid. He is real. He is not cocky or egotistical or condescending. He comes from a place where I do-no silver spoon in his mouth. Barack Obama also represents a slice of America's melting pot. For my daughters, also of mixed heritage, this is huge. My daughters are half Mexican and 1/2 me (little bits of everything with Italian as 25%). They will not see a white man running our country. For their futures, they will see that race does not keep you from being the President of the United States. (Next I hope to see women break in...Hillary or some other equally capale and remarkable woman!)

Watching people's eyes and faces as they listened to the acceptance speech last night was awesome. I felt the unity of hope. I am excited to bid farewell to GW and his horrible legacy. I realize that we have a tough climb ahead of us. However, we would have been seening the same difficulties with McCain. At least now, I feel that there will be positives in exchange for the negatives, and not more drudgery.

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