Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Busy lil Mama

I am working. Well, sorta unofficially. I am my own boss. Not that I mean I am doing those work from home programs. I have been using my craft skills for good. Been making things, and selling things. It all started in August....

My mom was on the organizing team for a quilt show where she lives. We decided to run a booth. Jose was to do his booth for the food vending and I would put some crafty shiz together for sale. I got this brilliant idea to make I Spy bags. I had read about them online and wanted to try it out. So for the show I set out to make 22 bags (11 girl based and 11 boys based). THEN we were rained out. UGH....what to do...I shared them with the owner of our learning store in town. She bought 10. Then I shared with my previous principal. She bought 2. HMMM a concept became real! I sent the remaining with my friend to a few craft fairs. She sold 6. Then I had to make more, and a few orders later (yes! people are ordering them from me! Amazing!) I have made to date, 40 bags.

Now, I have a new venue. I am making felt foods! These are so addicting. I am making inventory for a small holiday craft boutique in a few weeks. I have made, breakfast foods (bacon, pancakes with butter and eggs), fruit (lemons, limes, oranges, watermelon) veggies (snow peas, green beans, carrots --working on more), cookies, and pizza.

I hope to have pics up to share...but in the meantime I am just explaining another absence from my blog world. Apparently with my limited free time, I can only have 1 hobby in the limelight. At the moment, my crafty stuff takes 1st place. As I juggle life around to accomodate holidays and family visits, and my list of porjects I hope to complete, I intend to make space for the blog.



drea :: dre of white stables said...

For your felt food do you use wool felt?
I'm anxious for pictures! I loved your breakfast foods!

mamafish said...

Nope just the stuff from Michael's. It is acrylic. I should have pics up later today....