Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Politicians and Trains...

I feel like this is the 1st year I am actively interested in politics. I have had bits and pieces in the past 14 years (if you do the math you will catch how old I am...) that were intriguing and pulled me in. I know it's my civic duty to know the issues and people and to vote. However, I admit to being bored or not fully understanding the hot topics. The television commercials are fine and dandy, but they are biased. The gobblety-gook printed is equally confusing do to the wording used. I do remember that I was very against Prop 227, and I was activated to vote in the famous Recall of Governor Grey Davis. Otherwise, I vote because I can. I also vote because I would like to see results of my voice in elections. When I don't truely understand or have an opinion, I don't respond to that item. Sad...I know.

This year, I am so so into it. Our local politics have my eye/ear, as do the state level and national level. I am voting with a mail in ballot. I will be able to vote without the pressure of my peanuts pulling at my legs from their stroller. I can concentrate on what my vote will be and why.

The presidential elections are exciting to me. There are definitely hot item topics that shout out to me (and I love the debates! get the popcorn and diet coke out!). Of course, the reactions of people are always interesting.
Here is an email I received from my auntie. I think it's funny!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LMAO with the off-the-tracks Thomas!!! Stéphane saw it and yelled, "OH NO! Everyone on that train is going to get hurt! We better call 911!"

True that... I wasn't so worried about McCain, though he is not my preferred candidate. But now, I am scared crapless! Seriously, what was he (or should I say "they", since we know he didn't choose alone) thinking?!

About not voting on the items you are not aware of... I am the same way! I prefer not to do damage if I have no idea. That is like choosing my own treatment for a disease, KWIM?