Wednesday, August 20, 2008

No more naps....

I see a trend. Elly, now 3 and 5 months, is not taking naps. Last week, she remained awake during 3 of them, and today too. She is perfectly happy playing in her room with the lights out, curtains drawn, and music on. She plays with her stuffed animals or her babies on her bed. I peek in every so often, and no sign of drowsiness. Luckily, she isn't toast by bedtime. She maintains more or less, her same ol' self. No tantrums, no wipe outs. I guess I need to resign myself to a new era. One that I will be doing less internet surf time, less nap on the couch time, less eat my junky treats so the kids can't see them and ask for them time. Poop! Ah well, I guess as long as lil crazy Bri continues to nap I can deal. (Cross your fingers for that one to remain in place....)


Anonymous said...

Haha! Join the club! I have to sneak my junk food when Maeve's watching Curious George except she usually catches me.

mamafish said...

(Yea! You left a comment! LOL)
I sad. I can get a nap from her every couple of days. I still make her go to her room and we set it up as though she will be napping each and every day. Then she has to remain on her bed. I keep her there for quiet time for an hour (hee hee I am so cruel!)