Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Past 3 Days in a Nutshell

This weekend (Friday to today) we jam packed with family, friends, and fever. We had cancelled a paydate for Friday because my lovely big girl became hot, well fevery, around 2am Thursday. I watched her, and dosed her, and it continued. Just a fever. Nothing else. But to err on the side of caution, we cancelled. Instead, we drove our sweet 10 year old niece back to her home and then came home to prepare the house for my family coming to visit from Los Angeles.




-make beds

-start dinner


It was a nice visit-Elly is really remembering and getting excited about her family these days. Bri, was full of her usual hard core energy. Dinner, desert, some hanging outside enjoying the waning summer day led to bedtime. The next morning, Saturday was more of the same. Family left around noon, and then we got ready for dinner with friends. SO MUCH FUN. I was able to have a few drinks, to enjoy some convo at the adult level, we stayed LATE (lol well to about 10pm....). Jammied the girls and drove the few minutes home. Youwoulda think that sleep would be sweet...nope. Fitfull babies, makes for long mommy night.


Today included gardening, cleanig the garage, naps, etc. Mundane easy day from home.

As a side note, I do think that gal, Rose-e-ola is back to visit. I noticed E's belly is dotted with rashy bumps. That with the solo fever, I do believe we have a diagnosis!

So that catches us up....come back Monday for more.

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