Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Big Ass Bugs!

Our family has been gone now for a few days, but we are still enjoying the goodies they left behind for the girls. One of the toys they left was a package of MAGIC GROW BUGS. So we staretd them on Sunday morning, and I just took them out a few minutes ago. The girls had a blast playing with them! They are super grossly huge!


~B. said...

Hello! :) I'm coming in through the Bargain Board (I'm Cookiemomster/Brenda).

About the magic bugs...those are CRAZY! We've had magic growing dinosaurs and spidermen, etc. But those bugs are enormous!! Holy cow! Do they feel totally disgusting and slimy/wet to the touch like the other things do?

~B. said...

Hi...me again. I had to go find directions for you on how to enable comments. Let's try this:

Click on Customize
Then settings
Then comments
Then show.

Hope that helps!

mamafish said...

Hi Momster! Welcome!

Yeah, the bugs are pretty gross. They were especially slimy and gooey when I pulled them out of the water. This morning they are still a bit slimy and tacky.

However, I would take them over REAL bugs any day! lol

mamafish said...

Thanks for the help on my comments. I do have all the settings enabled. The dooofus on the help board suggested me playing with the html format and changing the widgets. Which completely baffles me! I don't know...the onlyother option I can think of is to start fresh on a new blog. BAH...