Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Well-Meaning Biddies, BUTT OUT

So yesterday, after naps (which BOTH girls took..horray for me!), we left the house for a fun filled hour and a half of shopping errands. We had some birthday clothes to exchange for E, and some sippy cups and pacis to get for B, and COSTCO. We were making excellent time (while I chatted to Lizzie of The Brown Brigade). I made my way picking up my few items-yes, I said FEW--only had dogfood, frozen shrimp, asparagus, Danimals yogurt, and string cheese in my cart. I fed my kids graham crackers and goldfish and bottled water to keep 'em happy as we encroached dinner time. So I sign off with Lizzie, and plant myself in line. All of a sudden E finds the water bottle cap we had lost which prompted me to chug 2/3 of a bottle to avoid spillage. NICE timing....Next thing I know as I am putting my things on the check out counter, an older lady behind us says "Oh no! No Baby, don't put that into your mouth!" She says to me as I go to investigate "She shouldn't have that in her mouth it's dangerous!" I pull out.....the water bottle cap. UHM yeah....not going into her gullet, just a tad too big.....I told her "Thanks, but I don't think it's going anywhere....". To oblige her, I pulled it out and dropped it into the diaper bag. But really, it was a harmless way to keep her mouth off of the cart handles and out of her sister's hair....Besides, she wasn't screaming either...much to many other patrons pleasure I am sure.

Please do know I will be much more concerned if smaller, truly chokable items manage to get into B's mouth and hands.....I am dilligent and careful as needed.

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