8:30 Baby girls go to bed
11:00 Mommy and Daddy are in bed
11:30 E is awake and fussing...I resolve that
11:45 B is wailing bloody frickin' murder... I cave and bring her to bed
12:15 B is crying next to me
2:00 E is having problems...stuffy nose and insisting on getting it blown...to no avail several times...finally I get it straight
2:00 go back to bed and B is freaking out because I dared to leave the bed.
2:30 Sleep..........
6:00 B is awake and looking for a feed...I nurse 1 side, and plug the paci back in (we are trying to wean....)
6:15 Sleep..........
7:30 E is awake...so as I am getting dressed and trying to leave a sleeping B...she too wakes up.
ARGH-can it get any worse? I am seriously not sure how many more nights of 3-4 hrs of sleep I can hack-poor Fishman trying to rest before his 4:30 am wake up call and 5:15 am 1 hr drive to work and following 8 hr driving day job to be completed with another 1.5 hr drive home...and more than likely another crappy night.
SOME consolation comes from the fact that E is coming down with a cold-hence that bad night (usually her pattern). Hoepfully it will scoot thru fast and leave no more snotty noses. We are skipping Mommy and Me-hanging on the couch with Clifford on the screen and hopefully naps for the whole lot of us.
11 years ago
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