Thursday, April 24, 2008

Operation Repossession of the Ta-Ta's

I have breastfed my child for the past year. Tonight, it's OVER. I had the last feeding, the bedtime one left as of today. I had planned to begin this earlier in the week. Poor B has been feeling icky with a fever and teething. SO I decided to postpone the weaning process until she was feeling better. She still was feverish this morning, but throughout the day has made great strides to being healthy. (She also is the proud owner of her 2nd tooth).

Bedtime went easily. There was the bath, the stories and into the crib. No tears, no battle. She fell asleep after about 10 mins. I suppose it helps that we have established the bedtime routine and sleep training.

Guess I can get rid of the funky old nursing bras! Good riddance! Hmmm, maybe now without nursing as part of the evening ritual, I can have a girls night out (and a margarita!)

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