Friday, July 11, 2008

A Wild Night at 2am in our Bedroom (x-rated you might ask? read on...)


I fell asleep instantly last night at midnight. Around 2:30 am, I woke up. I woke up because I felt a flashlight shining around the room, and in my face. It was Jose. He had woken up to find ANTS all over him. IN BED. As a matter of fact, I think I felt one on my eyelid and that must have helped to wake me up (it was biting me). Lo and behold, we had them in our bed and around the carpet into the closet. So while he went on a 45 minute non toxic RAID, I was up with Bri who shares our room in the nursery/niche attached to the master bedroom. She was woken up too. She never settled down. By 3:15 we tried to go back to sleep. She didn't. I sat next to her to see if that would convince her to settle down. NOPE. I rocked her in the glider. NOPE. I brought her to bed with us. NOPE. I put her back in her crib. NOPE. Then I got frusterated because I was tired and sleepy and she wasn't. I kissed her head and walked back to my side of the bed. She cried and screamed and tried to climb out. (as an aside, it won't be long before she CAN hike herself over....)I got up and tried to settle her. At 4am, I crawled back into bed amidst the screeches. J took over. NOPE. Finally, at 4:30 I went back in. At that point it was a full blown cryfest, complete with the jagged breathing and whole body shakes. I pulled her out and rocked her until her wiped out self dropped into dreamland. Still shuddering, she was placed sleeping in her crib at 5am. I slipped into bed again, woke at 6 when she was again up. Settled her easily and drifted off again. Elly was awake at 7, asking for her music. I did and went back to bed. Jose got up with them at 8 and I slept in to 9:15.

Wild times 'round here....nothing too exciting though. Between the bugs and cries, I am wiped out. Today is a low key still in pj's day (just about lunchtime and I am contemplating a shower).

Hopefully the half eaten mouse and the ants are the last of the wild infiltrating my tame home. Seriously, between the dog and the girls, there really isn't a need for anything else. Seriously.

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