Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Oh the fun we had...

It was a great time at my mom's place this past weekend. The weather was mild, the wildfire smoke was beginning to move out, and the girls had fun playing with nature. Friday was the 4th of July, and we took in the town's parade. Elly has seen 1 other parade (one of the homecoming parades here in town) way back in October. Bri saw that one too-but was pretty little. So we are counting this as their 1st and 2nd respectively. It was a typical small town event...some horses, a basic marching band, a bagpipe band, various motor vehicles, some families, and more of the usual.

J got some fishing in each and every day. Here's a shot from Friday.

Saturday started with a mellow morning, lunch, swimming at the swimming hole, the arrival of Auntie Nanny (yay!), and a wine and art stroll downtown.

Sunday was more of the same, minus the wine and art.

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