Thursday, July 31, 2008
This is the list
Hits - Keyword
7 - trisha faggiolly
4 -operation repossession
2 -junior idol
2 -trisha faggiolly barrett
2 -jill agnello
1 -junior idol blog
1 - wild on x rated
1 -american junior-idol
1 -sissy games -osama -binlarden
1 -fishy tales paint color
1 -junior idol picture book pictures
1 -bloody nose 15 months old
1 -11 year old with bloody nose
1 -1st birthday she completed our family
1 -sissy tales
1 -princess birthday partyfor one year old
1 -fishy birthday theme ideas
1 -games for mac fishy tales
1 -fishy birthday party
1 -reading tumble activites
1 -hair bow for infant chokable
1 -1 yr old baby bloody nose
1 -typical day with a one year old and 3 year old
1 -meaning of biddies
1 -sissy game
1 -diamacious earth
The other thing I can see is that I get visitors from all over the world (many of the random searches come internationally.) Kinda neat to see....
United States
Korea, Republic Of
United Kingdom
New Zealand
Just thought I'd share some interesting data....
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Home Improvement
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Oh No She Dit-tint!
1,) Markers on the wall-pic to come-the washable stuff (awesome) washed right off, the rest...nope. Memorabilia until the next paint day.
2.) Taking POOPY diaper off and stepping in it! (no picture to follow, I'll spare you all.....)
3.) Spaghetti bowl on her head
4.) Mommy's lipstick-'nuff said.
All this makes me a little nervous as Big Sister never stopped to explore these abilities. What else will I be encountering as she gets bigger badder and better? I probably shouldn't ask.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Fuimos al Mar
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Jam Packed Fun Day
We came home, lunched and the girls napped (all to shortly to my dismay!)
It was a ton of fun and the girls fell asleep like sweet angels )hopefully for a full night's rest. We have another full day tomorrow. A beach trip is planned for us with some ladies I used to teach with, and all of our kids. 'Posed to be a beautiful day-looking forward to it.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
All Twisted and Bent out of Shape
"Don't get your panties in a wad!"
Well that was me today in Target. I was literally walking around the store pushing the cart with the girls and stopping every few feet to secretly adjust my rear end into the underware and under the pants. After a bit, I quit caring just how secretly I was going about this.
Let me explain what was going on...
I must have lost some more weight because the pants I was wearing were loose this morning but not falling off and feeling strange loose. As I was walking through the store they just felt wrong. Twisting and scrunching and getting lower. Luckily, I still have my "childbearing" hips so I remained mostly modestly covered. Ironically, my undies are a bit small so as I was dealing with comic capris, I was also correcting the unmentionables in their aspirations to be a pair of THONGS. Don't get me wrong; I have no problems with thongs, even have a few myself.....
Anyway, just out of curiousity I weighed-at 5pm and was down another lb since last Friday! I love it! More walking tomorrow. Will make 15 miles for the week and about 1500 calories burnt.
For Andrea, here is the link of a cool website that allows you to plug in your walking/jogging route and see how long it is.
Happy Hump Day! (I hear that is a calorie burner too...)
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Epitome of a Summer Dinner
Friday, July 18, 2008
Small Triumphs
Yesterday Elly had an appt with her dentist. This was just a normal cleaning. She has had some rough luck dentally (is that a word?). When she was 1.5 years old she hit head on with our 70 lbs dog Chester. It was a crazy accident, on Christmas Day no less. She had her top teeth pushed in and back into her mouth. It was horrible-for her, regarding pain and trauma--for us in terms of just being sad for her. It looked awful, and not knowing the extent of the damage was super hard. Turns out we were referred to a wonderful pediatric dds who has been in charge of directing us to care for this injury, a split frenum (and 2 emergency stitches) the Saturday before Halloween 2007, and her regular care. The 1st injury has resulted in a near miracle. She still has all the teeth, no signs of infection or root death. From xrays we can see the the root is seperating from the gums and the tooth will probably fall out sooner than normal. BUT the good news has been that it seems not likely anytime soon.
Yesterday's triumph was her total acceptance of all things dental appt. She went in (asked to bring her MIMI...aka yellow rag...aka blankie). Got up on the bed/table. Opened up wide and ready. No battles no refusal. AMAZING especially in light of her past tramautic experiences.
Today's triumphs were all mine:
- I weighed in and was 2 lbs down. I am now 8 lbs out of 21 total I am hoping to eliminate. Feels totally do-able without the extreme dieting. Add the exercise and smart eating...not hard at all.
- I picked 6 cups of grapes from our vine. After tomorrow I will have more and enough to make homemade jelly.
- Although I spent much of my day with a whiny, grumpy big girl and a whiny clingy and then climbing and anything little girl, I was able to complete several chores.
- Showered AND shaved my legs (hee hee).
- Never left the house...meaning no gas wasted nor money spent.
- Might be unloading some of the bigger baby items left over to a friend of a friend. Could make some pennies on it. That in turn will go to paying off some piece of a bill.
Possible upcoming weekend plan will be buying new kitchen appliances.....the stove clicks constantly on the starter so we unplugged and just strike a match to light it. The microwave lost its door handle a year ago, and we open with a prying tool (chopstick). The stove's glass plate is loose from Her Royal Monkeyness. The fridge is losing its seal, and the dishwasher is the original and not very efficient. Look out for pics of our new updated stuff....
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
My Report
I regretfully peeled my pj's off and put on some acceptable clothing. I slicked back my hair into a non-showered ponytail and then did the same with the girls'crazy locks. Off we went...
Here is what I learned:
1.) I felt like I was IN the Orchard Supply Hardware Commercial (You know the one that talks about being in a Hardware Superstore with no one to help you?). I was looking for a person to answer my plumbing questions. I found a guy-who told me he "was just the paint guy" and I would have to walk to Customer Service to ask for a Plumbing Person. UGH. I then found a lady in the Flooring section who used her walky-talky to radio (see that paint guy...just that easy!) someone to help me. And then he appeared! I got answers, and products. Good to go!
2.) I then went off to the garden section to investigate non-toxic,
organic ways to eliminate Pill Bugs. I was searching for Diamacious earth which is what I read about online as a solution. The Garden Lady told me it was not a good option. She says while it is organic, it is very toxic. Apparently, the fibers get into the lungs og precious children and animals. She recommended instead using a 1/2 grapefruit scattered in the garden. It kills the Pills and the Snails. YAY! I will be shopping for bitter citrus soon enough. And LONG LIVE THE STRAWBERRIES!
3.) Even in my stanky unshowered state of being, I was still considered a MISS to some young workerbee. Either that or it is a standard line taught in customer service class.
4.) I bought 2 new planting pots. They were "dirt cheap" (hee hee couldn't resist!) at $3 each. They are terracycle pots. What a cool concept-made from 100% e-waste. I might have to go back and purchase more. Additionally-check out the website. They will pay you to collect and send them (free shipping) certain types of garbage. COOL!
In conclusion, I hope that my morning shopping trip has gleaned inklings of new knowledge for others based on reading my report. I like for others to learn through my I share.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
A Typical Convo with my 3 Year Old
Me: Oh yeah?
Her: Yeah, he hit me.
Me: Really. Then what happened?
Her: He's in Time Out.
Me: Ahh, so you took care of it?
Her: Yeah.
Lol, let me 1st explain that she is referring to Diego the cartoon. 2nd, he is often "here", along with Boots. Only rarely does Dora put in an appearance, and seldom does Diego's sidekick Baby Jaguar come. It seems like she role plays typical scenarios in her life. It's almost as if she is testing outcomes. Just funny.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Drive Through Success!
No need to mention that I indulged in a nice cheeseburger, tots, and diet coke. I got the niece the same but with fries and a sprite. However the major score, was the kiddy food. I saw that they offered Grilled Cheese. Hmmm....I then realized I had 2 box juies in my diaper bag and then babies never finish fries so they could share my greasy guilt. I bought 1 grilled cheese for the 2 of them to share...ready for it? A whole 1.79 was spent on their lunch and they ATE IT ALL. It wasn't no In and Out phony baloney grilled cheese neither. (they like to serve empty hamburger buns with a few slices of cheese cooked on the flattop.). This was 2 pieces of fluffy Texas Toast with lots of ooey gooey cheese.
Just thought I would share my new wisdom.....
Friday, July 11, 2008
I mean really, won't she ever JUST STOP already?
A Wild Night at 2am in our Bedroom (x-rated you might ask? read on...)
I fell asleep instantly last night at midnight. Around 2:30 am, I woke up. I woke up because I felt a flashlight shining around the room, and in my face. It was Jose. He had woken up to find ANTS all over him. IN BED. As a matter of fact, I think I felt one on my eyelid and that must have helped to wake me up (it was biting me). Lo and behold, we had them in our bed and around the carpet into the closet. So while he went on a 45 minute non toxic RAID, I was up with Bri who shares our room in the nursery/niche attached to the master bedroom. She was woken up too. She never settled down. By 3:15 we tried to go back to sleep. She didn't. I sat next to her to see if that would convince her to settle down. NOPE. I rocked her in the glider. NOPE. I brought her to bed with us. NOPE. I put her back in her crib. NOPE. Then I got frusterated because I was tired and sleepy and she wasn't. I kissed her head and walked back to my side of the bed. She cried and screamed and tried to climb out. (as an aside, it won't be long before she CAN hike herself over....)I got up and tried to settle her. At 4am, I crawled back into bed amidst the screeches. J took over. NOPE. Finally, at 4:30 I went back in. At that point it was a full blown cryfest, complete with the jagged breathing and whole body shakes. I pulled her out and rocked her until her wiped out self dropped into dreamland. Still shuddering, she was placed sleeping in her crib at 5am. I slipped into bed again, woke at 6 when she was again up. Settled her easily and drifted off again. Elly was awake at 7, asking for her music. I did and went back to bed. Jose got up with them at 8 and I slept in to 9:15.
Wild times 'round here....nothing too exciting though. Between the bugs and cries, I am wiped out. Today is a low key still in pj's day (just about lunchtime and I am contemplating a shower).
Hopefully the half eaten mouse and the ants are the last of the wild infiltrating my tame home. Seriously, between the dog and the girls, there really isn't a need for anything else. Seriously.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
5 Miles!
I have committed myself to meeting with 2 other mamas and their respective strollers 3 times a week. We have never clocked our route, and I always mean to bring the pedometer (as of yet unused). I left the house today running (literally) late -no surprise there. I made it to our meet point in 11 mins. Let me state that we have been in a major heatwave with a California Smoke Cocktail in the air. I believe the temp was near 80 by 8:30. We headed off, nothing unusual (except I did not pack enough liquids for me or the girls...UGGH). We finished out the walk at the park for the kiddos. Did some swing time and explored the grassy area. Then we headed to our seperate homes. As I was walking home I called ahead to the hubby so he could prep some ice water for us. He told me that at 11 am, it was 92 degrees. DANG!
After arriving home, we all sucked in the nice air conditioning and icy water. I decided to map the route on an exercise website. Turns out that the 2-3 miles I THOUGHT we were doing was actually closer to 5! WOW, that upped my weekly total to 15 miles a week.
We're not talking about strolling. We push ourselves and (gasp) actually sweat. I push the two in a double stroller that weighs about 39 lbs without kids and kid gear. I figure with my 2 totalling about 30 lbs together (yes, puny lil ones they are), and the stroller and my junk--near about 75 pounds as weight resistance. I oughta be burning some calories with that!
Next walk is Monday....cross your fingers we get some lower temps. It was brutal today.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I walked out to get our mail and in the pathway was this:
Whatever ate it (Chupacabras perhaps?) musta been on a diet. Left me half to save. Hubby tossed it before the girls saw it or the dog finished it off.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Oh the fun we had...
Monday, July 7, 2008
Home Again....
*104 degree heat
*evidence of a power outage
*201 emails
*4 voicemails
*2 cranky kids
*2 tired parents
*1 hot and stinky dog
*multitude of laundry
I will be back later with an overview of our fun times!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
On the road again....
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
- "I have a birthmark too-just like you and sister!" (there is no birthmark on the child-just lots of hair and perhaps a dirt spot or two)
- " I need a cucumber " (QTIP is what she means)
- "I am so excited to see Grandma and her dog Mr Flouride" (Dog's name is FLOYD, hee hee)
- "When I was a really little baby I _____________" (like she remembes it and it was oh so long ago)
- "I have to go potty REALLY REALLY BAD!" (her way of getting out of eating)
There are more and I am sure there will be a Part 2 and then some as they come to me....Hope I gave you all a chuckle!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Her 1st Bloody Nose!
She was brawlin'!
There is another baby at Mommy and Me-same name(spelling varied though) who is 9 months old. None of us saw what happened (isn't that always the case?). What we came up with is that MY Bri was hugging (we hope) the other Bri and they clonked heads. Both were screaming bloody murder (or should I say nose?) and rubbing their faces. Poor sweeties....Of course, with our history in the house with mouth/teeth injuries, I did a quick search and then popped a paci in. Few minutes later, a slow dribble of blood came out of her nose. Nothing big-didn't even barely flow. I wiped a few times with a napkin and she cozied for a while and then good to go. Running and playing with the big dogs. What a trooper...
Of course, Daddy is oh so proud of the first cat fight!