Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Off and running...errrr flying I mean!

So the girls and I are onto our secret destination as of tomorrow early. The only thing that can keep us from going is that my sweet E has had a fever on and off since 2am this morning. I have had her stay mellow all day. Carte blanche with the kids tv (yay for ON DEMAND!). I finished the packing all the while monitoring La Sicky Girl and fending off the Clingy Bebita. All said and done, we are set. So cross your fingers that we have no further cootie developments and all is smooth and easy on flight.

I will update again once settled. Please send me Smooth Sailing..errr I mean Flying Vibes!

1 comment:

drea :: dre of white stables said...

Happy flying! I hope things stay mellow til you get to your destingation! Have enough fun for both of us, ok?! =)