So here goes:
Rules: Once you've been tagged, write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. The only rule is that you have to post different stuff if you did one on FB.
- I taught elementary school for 6 years, and then had my 1st baby and decided to stay home with my girls.
- One big reason that we won't be having more children is that I really like to sleep-and my kids have not been good sleepers as babies. I am not even recovered yet from Bri, who will be 2 in April.
- I love to read. I consider romance and easy reading (as often found in the end caps at grocery stores) to be my mindless reading. I can flip through one of those puppies in a day easy. I do enjoy more thought provoking titles (as often found on Oprah's Book Club list). I really don't enjoy the classics and more antique titles.
- I am the oldest of 6. My brother and I have the same mom and same dad. With my dad and stepmom, there are 4 more (3 sisters and a brother).
- The youngest is 18 years younger than I am.
- I love word games (family inheritance from both sides). I play Scrabble online ( Come challenge me! (wordmami is my handle)
- I am very interested in my family heritage.
- My dad's side is Italian. Someday I would like to be able to say I have seen the "Mother Country", and can speak the Native tongue.
- My mom's side shows a scholarly trend. Great Great Grandpa was a Stanford Professor and published author of scientific studies.
- My husband drives my family car to work and I drive the big work/hunting truck. It's all about gas mileage.....
- I accidently bought a small sized underwear at Victoria's Secret and it fits! (SCORE!)
- There is a spot on the couch that is mine and mine alone....better not sit there!
- It is almost 7pm and I am only on my 2nd glass of water all day.
- I have found many wonderful friends online that I have never met in real life. Someday, we will see if we have been honest in our virtual representations. :-)
- I think I could be a better cook if my husband weren't so critical and picky. It is nice that he has ideas and is in fact quite competent....but is inhibitive to the rest of us.
- In the 17 years of our relationship-9.5 married, we have never had one of "those" fights. We do sometimes get snarky and pissy, but it rarely goes past a night and never has slamming doors etc.
- I am a control freak.
- Some of my friends' kids bug me.
- Shopping for bargains is an obbsession and often I spend more than I budget because I can't pass something up.
- I was named for a Bob Dylan song. Visions of Johanna is the title.
- I have never been Johanna except for formal situations.
- My parents were hippies....
- I often write my blog imagining that scores of people are reading me, and thoroughly enjoying themselves. In reality, I am aware that it is a small handful that read me faithfully. I don't however know how they feel because it is rare that they comment. (HINT HINT!)
- I like sewing. I am getting better, but I am no Betsy Ross.
- If you are on FB I am obsessed with my lil garden. I like getting plants and sorting them.
Whew! Well, I am not tagging anyone, because I think our little circle has been tagged enough. The tag stops here (unless you would like to do this exercise.....then by all means go for it and share it with me!)
Comment love here... ;)
You know I love you. :-)
I love it but what I am wondering is about the VS underwear. You got a size smaller or a size small? I'd never be able to fit into those (size small)...
Lizzie-I was looking for mediums....grabbed a small. I was sceptical, but had already washed them. Figured they could be a real incentive...lo and behold....
I like to imagine I have throngs of readers on my blog, too. That's why I quit checking my stat counter. It's depressing. ;)
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