There has been a teeny tiny little nagging voice in my head lately. It might explain my lack of posts lately.
Why in the world do I blog?
Sharing everything from my internal innards to my beautiful babies to my mindless ramblings. It is a personal and vulnerable experience.
So why do I do it?
I originally set out to blog because "all my friends were doing it...". Well, sort of. I was introduced to blogging by Lia. She made it seem so appealing. Her blog is well layed out-with great graphics. She has a fantastic following with people who interact with comments. She has even branched out into various blogger groups. There are fun conferences with goodies and perks.
I loved blog stalking. I felt like I was being invited to peek in on her world. I started to read other people's blogs as well. It really gets to be quite time consuming to check in daily with all the blogs on my favorites list.
I always maintained that I was intriqued about blogging but surely I couldn't keep up with the commitment of regular posting. Afterall, I was having trouble staying on top of my various online groups. One more thing was a bit over the top especially with the ever increasing demands of my daughters, household, and husband.
Then, my friend Lizzie started hers. Damn! I decided to jump into the mix. Fishy Tales was born.
I found that there were many parts that I did enjoy. The 1st was the challenge of setting up my blog and learning the ins and outs of this type of technology. I thrive on this. It is how I have learned everything computers/laptops (I seperate these 2 items), internet, and software programming.
I also found that I enjoyed the mental exercise of writing. It helped to imagine the readers and their reaction, taking it from basic journaling to a more exacting article. After years (4 now) of not working, and feeling like my brain is getting mushier and mushier, this is refreshing.
I hoped that my family and more distanced friends would utilize my blog to keep up (regularly) on the happenings in my life.
Finally, I did enjoy the anticipation of the readers. I not so secretly hoped for a following-like Lia and some of the popular bloggers.
Lately I find myself re-evaluating the reason for my blog. I haven't had my friends (real-life) and family reading unless I send the link. There is a small group of people that have been reading (THANK YOU!) on a regular basis. So, where does this leave me? I do still enjoy learning about the technology, and I do still find it nice to collect my thoughts through writing.
But do I need to do it publicly? Therein lies my biggest predicament. Would I continue if I were writing into a traditional journal? Would I do it if it were a word doc? Probably not. I know myself...there seems to be something about peer motivation that keeps me moving.
For now, I have decided to continue-but do share your feelings-especially if you blog.
Also, consider yourself warned that I may indeed close up shop some day, if I can't silence the voice....
11 years ago
You know my thoughts on the whole thing. Do it if you enjoy it. Once it ceases to be fun, stop. It's all what you do with it. You are a great writer and I find you to be a kindred spirit.
I'm a terrible follower...but only because I talk to you 5 days out of 7. :-)
I think you should keep going. Keep reading more blogs to see what you liked and keep on crafting.
I read you every day (when you post) but I do check every day! I am horrible at commenting. When I took my break it was a breath of fresh air. So much so that I have had a hard time getting back to it!
I Check every day Hanan!!! I'm a horrible comment-girl tho! I'll try to be better!
I always check your blog, and Lizzies, Lia's, Andrea's, etc. I love reading what you're up to, the girls, your popcorn. But I agree with it if you enjoy it.
I actually read this the other day, but haven't had a chance to respond until now.
I enjoy it for the same reasons you do. I also like being able to document my kids growing up and other "life" things. I can't keep a journal but I can do this.
It does get kind of lonely when there aren't a lot of comments--especially when you've put a lot of thought into the post and then, nothing. It's like, "Really? No one had anything to say about that?!" Maybe it was enjoyed, but they just don't know what to say. I don't know.
I keep doing it because it's a creative outlet and I enjoy pretending that my blog is famous. Ok, I don't really do that...but if you go about it without expectation and do it because you enjoy it, it can still be very fulfilling...but like others have said, if you don't enjoy it, there's no point to it. I do hope you continue to enjoy it, though. I'd miss you if you quit!
Thanks ladies! I am not going anywhere for a bit. It helps to write about it and helps to hear your responses.
I do enjoy it when I am inspired. If I am having trouble coming up with topics, I feel forced and then it feels like I am not blogging for myself, only for readers.
I revamped the blog appearance and feel a bit refreshed. Thanks for the love!
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