Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Tidbits

Well I have a thousand and one things to say, and can't seem to get 1 post together, so I am doing it in blurbs.

  • I am 1 lb short of my birthday goal-Monday is the BIG DAY
  • Bri has peed on her little potty quite a few times now. We aren't intentionally training, but it's nice to see soem real interest. Makes me feel like I can turn it into something with purpose soon enough. She won't be 2 until April!
  • I had an xray today for a lump on my finger. It;s a somewhat painful lump at the base of my index finger. I 1st notice it with some pain when holding things. Then I felt the bump. It's my 4th lump-all are different things!
  • My dr also referred me to a dermatologist for a scary mole. YIKES the thought of skin cancer freaks me out. The thought of ANY cancer freaks me out!
  • My in-laws will be here starting Thursday, for about 3 weeks.
  • I just canceled my MYSPACE page because it was phished. That freaks me out too.

That's enough for now...Just wanted to let you all know I am here, and not fading out.

Peace out!

1 comment:

drea :: dre of white stables said...

Keep me posted on the dermatology. I'll be praying it's nothing. =)