Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sacrilege I tell Ya!

It is a sad sad day for me.... I come to report the downsizing of yet another icon in our lives. It started with Ice Cream, and Cereal and Gum. In the last year, these are some of the items that have been made smaller, as a result of the current national financial state. I understand that cost cutting and allowances must be made for there to be a balance. This however, is the straw that broke that broke the camel's back.

Honeymaid has made the graham cracker smaller! Yes folks, you read it right. I pulled out a cracker to appease (no, read this as "quiet so that Mommy can play more on the computer") my toddling daughter. As I pulled it out I noticed how much smaller it was. Narrower and shorter. (I will share a picture as an example.) Not only is the cracker smaller, the box is too. Instead of a 16 ounce box, I noticed it is a 14.5 oz box. So much for the simple things staying the same....

Consumers, watch carefully. Especially for products that are your staples. The companies are banking that you will not notice the changes and will continue to pay the same or even more for your regular items. The 2 crackers are from different companies. The bigger one is the Safeway generic graham. The smaller, is as noted the brand name.

As my kids don't notice the difference, I am thinking I will pay the lesser amount for more product. I happened on this box last week, simply because of an awesome coupon from Safeway. A box for 99 cents. So for this price, I am not feeling duped. But in times to come, I will be more wary. Oh, and what's up with the funky shape? There is no regularity....


drea :: dre of white stables said...

Good eye! Thanks for the heads-up!

Anonymous said...

This is, indeed, an outrage!! No wonder I'm not full after eating a whole pack of graham crackers!!

Thanks for pointing that out,

George :)

EB said...

Good eyes Han! I just read that girl scout cookie boxes were downsized by 1 cm in length. It doesn't sound like much but a cookie here and a cookie there, it really adds up.