Wednesday, September 24, 2008

100 Solid!

WOW! I have done 100 posts. Sounds solid! I have enjoyed this forum because it appeals to many facets of myself.

I can "perform" for an "audience". Most people who know me well, know I like my limelight. I enjoy being social, and entertaining (probably a good reason why I was a teacher for a while--instant captive audience....hee hee). If you are a stranger to me and are getting to know me through the blog, then I can imagine you are understanding this about me by now.

I can collect my thoughts on things that are quasi taboo for conversation. Topics like venting about my current stage of life, the self pity, the frusteration, the fears and worries. Pretty heavy themes for the average chit chat. So my blog allows this to occur, thus keeping me light of heart and mind.

I can brag! This is my venue, and I have some cute babies to blab all about! Of course, my babies are nothing short of the best! And everything that they do is nothing short of extraordinary....feel free to agree!

I can feel like an adult. In writing on a regular basis (I am aware of my lapses....) I feel like I am exercising my brain again. It gets mushy awful quickly without daily workouts.

As a finish to my post, I will do my promised READER AWARDS!

1.) Most Comments! This award goes to Andi of The Coslett Commotion. Andi you are the best at cheerleading and supporting. Thanks for taking the time to read and report your thoughts! Also, thanks for figuring out the tricks to commenting period.

2.) Biggest Stalker! (Totally love that someone is so interested in me and mine...). Some person in Modesto (come forward please...announce yourself and make my acquaintance!) This unknown person has hit my site more often than anyone.....COOL!

3.) My most supportive Blog Hopper (as is one who checks me out from other blogs) is M Yeager of No Cheese, Please! Talk about jumping right in...she read my blog posts, and commented....and then, get this has been back and did it all again!
Thanks Everyone, I love the support. I hope in my ditherings there are smiles on your faces, along with nods in agreement and even disagreement. If I can do at least this, and hopefully more...then I am connecting with folks. That makes me happy to know....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

13 Down, at least 3 more to go

I have lost 13 pounds in my quest for losing the post baby fat. I walk with my girls and my fellow mamas, and I watch what I eat. Plain and simple. I know I could have lost more, and quicker...but I don't live that way. I LIKE food. So I have come up with a way to balance that and my personal expectations for my weight. Slow and steady wins the race they say.

I figure I allow myself quite a few splurges-probably more so than I should. But I am seeing results. I also am doing MUCH better in how much I can handle in my exercise. My usual routine is to run the 1/2 mile to our meet point, then we walk 4 miles, and I run the last 1/2 mile home. The walking is almost too easy. I can feel myself WANT to run, in my off times. Starting to crave it. That is good. I love that my body feels more like a machine as I run, and less like a junk yard jalopy.

Next goal, 3 more lbs and then a re-evalutation. At that point I will also need new pants. I am getting by currently with shorts and capris that are borrowed (I really don't want to buy new shorts NOW, at the end of the season...). I am holding out for the weather to shift and hoping it coordinates with my next 3 lbs.

Just thought I would update....

(Next post is 100...READER AWARDS!)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Can I pull this off?

Ok so I am desperately in need of a LOOK. Not just a new look, but plain and simply a LOOK. I have a simple hair cut, shoulder length-that gets put in a pony 9 times oit of 10. It used tohave cute highlights. Then I had kids and ran out of money and time. Now I am realizing that I would like to have a LOOK so that I can have a nice picture of me for my various social websites. (yes I succomb to myspace and facebook......).

So I ask this: Could I pull of the following hair color/style? I really love the color....and the style, well I had it short ways back, and with my curl, it wouldn't be this straight. But I think I could hack it...any thoughts?

A Little Bogged Down

No not backed up...BOGGED DOWN.

I am currently embroiled in several time consuming projects.

1.) My hubby is entered to compete for the best Salsa recipe this weekend. He has been formulating his recipes since we were in High School. This will be his 1st competition. (If you are local, come root him on!) My part in this is the booth decor, the paperwork, gathering last minute tools/necesary items.

2.)On the organizing team for our town's fundraising drive for the Pajama Program. Culmination is October 2.

3.) Creating crafts and baked goods for a booth at the Weaverville Quilt Show-Autumn in the Alps. Jose will be doing a food booth as well. I am in charge of making sure he has the non-food inventory. He does all the food stuff. I am planning a Costco run soon enough. This takes place Oct 4. (yup, only 2 days past our PJ event...I will be nusto I am sure.)

4.) Normal day to day Mommy jobs and Wifey Jobs.

Needless to say, my blog is suffering. Don't give up on me...I am working on a new one-so my ever lovin' readers can easily leave love notes for me on my comments section....please stand by...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Creative Arts for the Young Child

(I will start with excusing my absence with the old LIFE HAPPENS excuse...Just got caught up in all my various projects....)

On Tuesday we had a classically creative day. Started out with Elly's 2nd dance class. This was a good one for all. Elly did fine and dandy, for the most part followed her teacher's lead and while is not spot on with the fine arts of Ballet or Tap (3 1/2 years old and 2nd lesson, it is to be expected...) she is enjoying herself and is getting exposure. I left the class for a short bit to go around the corner to the post office. Apparently, they would rather NOT have an audience for distraction. I was able to get a few errands done, and Bri behaved for the time that we were inside watching (last week she kept trying to go and dance.....).
Then, after naps, we painted. Elly is an old hand at this. She knows the routine-protective smocks, scrap paper on the table, paint+paper+paintbrush combo (no walls or other non-standard media), the masterpiece itself, and the clean-up (she evens washes the brushes herself). This time, we added an unknown component. BRIANA. Turns out she did just fine.

Friday, September 5, 2008

100 looming large!

Just thought I would share that I am reaching my centennial mark. This of course is a fluff post to add a notch on my count. Who knows, maybe on #100, there will be some more reader acknowledgements?!?!

On a side note, I am getting my 1st real cold in a long while. Reminds me of when I was teaching. Scratchy throat and sneezing so far. Hopefully it will be mild, and super hopefully my kids won't be infected.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dancin' Toes

Elly had her 1st dance class today. So freakin' cute to see these little girls in dance clothes and fancy shoes. She is in a preschool combo class and will be taught ballet and tap. So far, she is so excited to just be part of the class. She was totally amped and bounced around, sharing stories whenever she could get a convo in. Lucky for her teacher, that wasn't often. (Me thinks the girl will be hearing much of what I was told as a young student. "Too much talking"....).

Enjoy the picture slideshow of her first class....

Monday, September 1, 2008

Weekend Update

Had a get-together last night to attend. The girls and I headed out to the Bay Area for dinner, fun, and playtime with some friends (the same as the beach trip). It was very nice. J didn't come because he had a prior commitment with DOVES. Opening season....he and the dog went off for an overnight and early morning hunt.

Anyway....some cute pics from the night....

Tic-Tac-Toe, Three in a Row!

Not to jinx myself (we all know it will now that I am writing about it...), but I have had 3 nights straight without a certain someone interrupting my dreams. Perhaps she heard me talking about the Cry It Out Campaign. Maybe she figured out I meant business? Probably, the teeth have stopped bothering her enough to disrupt her sleep....Which means since we are only seeing 8 of 12 for this age, there will be more sleepless nights....."sigh".....and that means, I haven't written the last on this topic.....