Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Andi Tagged Me!!!!

Andi tagged me so I will play.....Here is her description

Here's how you play. Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog of ten weird, random things, facts or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose five people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them to be tagged. Don't forget to leave them a comment "You're it!" and tell them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Since you can't tag that person back, let her know when you've posted your blog so she can read your answers.

1. I am word obssessed! I love playing scrabble, word games etc. I play on for scrabble-live games, free and safe! I constantly will see a word in my daily travels and think of the score and where I could place it on the board!

2. I don't have a very good track record with plants. ALTHOUGH I am pleased to say I have been successful at caring for 3 plants and from one of those very happy and prolific plants I have created 2 cuttings that have rooted and been planted. I think I am getting a bit of a green thumb...

3. Pre-kids and more so as my babies get bigger, I am a BOOK WORM! I love to read. I can get through a 400 page book in a day....not a textbook or dry topic, but any easy reading, LOVE Mary Higgins Clark! I have followed her writings since I was in middle school. Just picked up a new one at Costco last night...itching to get into it!

4. My music in my iTunes is very ecclectic. I have everything from the Beattles to Garth Brooks to Juanes to Raffi (ok I collect that for the kids but still you might catch me singing along.)

5. (in response to Andi) I have only ever broken 1 bone-my left side of my jaw. I was being dumb at high school...riding on the hood of a car and then jumped off and landed super-girl style on the parking lot. OUCH! Oh, and I have had stitches 3 times, not counting childbirth...I guess that makes 4.

6. I am very nostalgic. I find that the older I get and my kids get I tend to draw more connections to the past.

7. I once owned a newt for a pet. He?she? escaped and I never found the dred up remains...hmmmm

8. I started writing a novel-got 2 chapeters in. It's saved to a floppy disk-no way to re-access that in my technology collection.

9. I already speak Spanish and English, but someday I hope to learn Italian to connect to my dad's family history.

10. I recycle aluminum cans and plastic bottles for money-I get a thrill when I earn $5.00. I will pick up cans and bottles from the ground...I draw the line at going on someone's property or into trash cans. Anywhere else is up for grabs...

1 comment:

drea :: dre of white stables said...

Yea! Thanks for playing, Han! That was fun! Hope you enjoyed it, too!